I have a script that i do not want to run if it is run under an accoutn called test. but it dose not seem to quit like i asked. here is the scirpt
tell application "System Events" to get name of current user
set shortName to result
if shortName contains "test" then quit
tell application "System Events" to get full name of current user
set longName to result
do shell script "sudo scutil --set LocalHostName " & quoted form of shortName user name "Admin" password "password" with administrator privileges
do shell script "sudo scutil --set ComputerName " & quoted form of longName user name "Admin" password "password" with administrator privileges
you’ve got to enclose what you don’t want to run in the if block. like this:
tell application "System Events" to get name of current user
set shortName to result
if shortName contains "test" then
tell application "System Events" to get full name of current user
set longName to result
do shell script "sudo scutil --set LocalHostName " & quoted form of shortName user name "Admin" password "password" with administrator privileges
do shell script "sudo scutil --set ComputerName " & quoted form of longName user name "Admin" password "password" with administrator privileges
end if