this is my first script and I’m stuck already.
basicly it should go like this: look into a hotfolder for eps-files (even if they are in another folder) type/creator and suffix eps,
Get the used colors, fonts and size. place the eps and the info on a template.
:shock: In your first post, you said “I’ve got the basics but it dosn’t run.” Now you say that you don’t have a script. I’m confused.
It’s might be possible to do what you want to do but you’ll need to provide more details if you want someone to take a shot at helping you. It sounds like I won’t be able to offer much help but it will be helpful to know which application(s) you plan to use, which version of Mac OS you are running, and other details related to the task.
I had a script, but it didn’t work and by saving, I saved it as a droplet and can’t open it anymore. Now I have to start over again.
it is good practice for a newbie like myself but a little help can do wonders.
so here is the information you requested:
It should run on OSX
drop files into a hotfolder
check if the files are EPS-files (bychecking typeclass and/or creatortype and suffix)
get properties of each file individually (used colors, fonts, jobsize, …)
place EPS-file AND properties on a new document using applic indesign