Hello All, I have a problem writing data to a file using the open for access method. I have included the errors in the comments of my code. Any help would be appreciated.
Also, theData is a string
tell current application
set JDFPath to ((iCutHotFolder & finalOutputName) & ".jdf" as string) --Result-- Macintosh HD:Users:pkincaid:Desktop:Test XML:Item:AmericanCars_4.jdf
set JDFfile to (open for access file JDFPath with write permission)
set eof of JDFfile to 0
write thedata to JDFfile starting at eof -- Errors with «class ocid» id «data kptr00000000E092AB0304000000» doesn't understand the «event rdwrwrit» message. (error -1708)
close access JDFfile
end tell