My application (ID Image Catalog) uses a hidden NSTableView field to ‘get’ the object that is dragged and dropped onto it. Namely, 1 folder is usually dropped on. That folder’s name is then used elsewhere in the parts of the script to get the items inside it, as well as being displayed in a better way with a regular text field just behind the invisible hidden box in the UI.
I’m using NSTableView because the only way I have found to work with the name of a folder is with that view (see the example code of Dev Tools “Drag and Drop”). It’s a real mess to do but it works. I know that a regular text field can have a folder dropped onto it and it will put the folder or file names in it, but I need it to only register 1 item, and reset itself whenever a new item is dropped in, and not be editable as text by the user.
In OS 10.3 this works great. In 10.4, the hidden box is also non-functional now (gggrrrr Apple!), so to update the program I have to find a new way to register the item with the criteria stated above.
Can anybody help me with a way to register the drag n drop item in 10.4?
Thanks a million,