Hi All,
This line worked before:
set nsDict to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys_("value1", "key1", theValue, "key2", "value3", "key3", missing value)
But not in High Sierra so tried:
set nsDict to current application's class "NSDictionary"'s dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:{"value1", "key1", theValue, "key2", "value3", "key3", missing value}
both throw error:
+[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:]: second object of each pair must be non-nil. Or, did you forget to nil-terminate your parameter list? (error -10000)
I had to rewire all my NSArrays to use the new parameter method
set argArray to current application's class "NSArray"'s arrayWithArray:{helperPath, "5F67Hj", encstr, missing value}
which works but not sure how to redo NSDictionary here. It goes to notification center below.
on sendNotification_dat_tx_nt_d_dct_(aTitle, aSubtitle, aMessage, aActionButtonTitle, aOtherButtonTitle, aDict)
my logInfo_var_lvl_("Begin Notification send","",1)
set myNotification to current application's NSUserNotification's alloc()'s init()
set myNotification's title to aTitle
set myNotification's subtitle to aSubtitle
set myNotification's informativeText to (aMessage) as text
set myNotification's actionButtonTitle to aActionButtonTitle
set myNotification's otherButtonTitle to aOtherButtonTitle
set myNotification's soundName to "Boing"
set myNotification's userInfo to aDict
current application's NSUserNotificationCenter's defaultUserNotificationCenter's scheduleNotification_(myNotification)
end sendNotification_
Thx, Rob