How do you code sign Automator Actions?

I can’t find any info on whether or not I need to code sign Automator actions, or how to go about it. I’ve noticed that Apple’s are code signed. Do you do it via shell after they are compiled during a build phase? If anyone has any advise I really appreciate it.



Have a look here:

Hi Shane!

Thanks for the reply! Your Mavericks overview is what spurred my interest in code signing, but the new code signing feature looks to be for Automator applets, not for the Actions within them. I’ve created a bunch of Actions with Xcode and I’m looking for the “correct” way to code sign them. Xcode doesn’t seem to have an option for it in the project workspace like it does when building a regular app.

I’ve read that there is a code signing utility in Terminal that might work on the Action bundle after it’s compiled in Xcode, but I thought I’d get some advice on what others have done before trying. I know you’ve created Automator Actions in the past, but have you had any experience with updating them for GateKeeper?

Can’t wait for the next version of your book BTW!



^ EDIT: I found a section in the project build info tab for code signing, so I think that’s how it’s done. Not as simple as an app project, but it is there. Thanks!