how to allow more than one dropped item to be deleted

I use the below to delete items when dropped onto an area in my project, it will only allow me to delete one file or one folder at a time, how can I have the code allow multiple items to be deleted at once?

    on draggingEntered_(info)
        return current application's NSDragOperationCopy
    end draggingEntered_
    on draggingExited_(info)
        mainTrashWindow's makeFirstResponder_(missing value)
    end draggingExited_
    on performDragOperation_(info)
        set pb to info's draggingPasteboard()
        set theURLs to pb's propertyListForType_("NSFilenamesPboardType")
        performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_("doFinderStuff:", theURLs, 0.1)
        return true
    end performDragOperation_
    -- TRASH 1
    on doFinderStuff_(theURLs)
        set FileToDelete to theURLs as string as POSIX file
        tell application "Finder"
            delete FileToDelete
        end tell
    end doFinderStuff

You should retrieve the URLs like this:

set theURLs to pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSURL} options:(missing value)

And it’s a bit silly to leave the job to Finder. Use NSFileManager and either trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error: or removeItemAtURL:error:.

thanks Shane
I got to this stage, i think it’s right , as it will accept a file and trash it, but it still only trashes one file, not multiple files, did i miss something?

 on performDragOperation:info
	set pb to info's draggingPasteboard()
	set theURLs to pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSURL} options:(missing value)
	set theURLs to pb's propertyListForType:"NSFilenamesPboardType"
	performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_("doFinderStuff:", theURLs, 0.1)
	return true
end performDragOperation:

on doFinderStuff:theURLs
	set FileToDelete to theURLs as string as POSIX file
	set fileManager to current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
	fileManager's trashItemAtURL:(FileToDelete) resultingItemURL:(missing value) |error|:(missing value)
end doFinderStuff:

You’re getting URLs and the trash method wants a URL, so you just need a simple repeat loop:

on doFinderStuff:theURLs
	set fileManager to current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
	repeat with aURL in theURLs
		(fileManager's trashItemAtURL:aURL resultingItemURL:(missing value) |error|:(missing value))
	end repeat
end doFinderStuff:

thanks Shane
been trying to get this to work, but all I get back is errors, I cant seem to figure out what the problem is

just dropping one file returns the below

I have played around with different variations, pretty well much the same result as above

on doFileManagerStuff:theURLs
        set fileManager to current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
        repeat with aURL in theURLs
            tell the fileManager to trashItemAtURL:aURL resultingItemURL:(missing value) |error|:(missing value)
            --end try
        end repeat
    end doFileManagerStuff:

It looks like you haven’t made the earlier change:

on performDragOperation:(info)
set pb to info's draggingPasteboard()
set theURLs to pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSURL} options:(missing value)
performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_("doFinderStuff:", theURLs, 0.1)
return true
end performDragOperation_

yup, your’e right, durr :rolleyes:, forgot to remove

 set theURLs to pb's propertyListForType:"NSFilenamesPboardType"

funny, couldn’t see that, cheers