hi all-
i need to have a script that can change the due dates for all the to-do’s of a calendar to Today’s date (bringing old unfinished to-do’s into today). I’ve tried several different methods, all failing. I am able to create a NEW to-do, i just can’t edit the due date property of an existing one. The following code breaks:
tell application "iCal"
set todayDate to (current date) as date
set myCal to (first calendar whose title is "short term to-do")
set myTodos to properties of todos of myCal
repeat with myToDo in myTodos
tell myToDo
set properties to {due date:todayDate}
end tell
end repeat
end tell
the following error is generated when this is run:
AppleScript error: Can’t set properties of {«class wrt5»:«constant ****tdp0», «class wrt3»:date “Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:00:00 AM”, «class wr10»:“1800C113-0475-4D9E-B8AB-CC2F83B73E95”, «class wrt1»:missing value, «class wr16»:missing value, «class wr13»:6, class:«class wret», «class wr11»:“yippie”, «class wr4s»:date “Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:19:11 PM”, «class wr12»:missing value} to {«class wrt3»:date “Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:30:51 PM”}.
thanks for any help you may be able to provide…