The crunch is in that “(among many others)”, of course, but this should get you started:
-- This assumes that the input is a 12-hour time string, that any separators in it are colons, and that it ends with either "am" or "pm".
on h12toh24(input, separator)
set t to words of text 1 thru -3 of input
if (text -2 thru -1 of input is "pm") then set item 1 of t to (item 1 of t) + 12
repeat 3 - (count t) times
set end of t to 0
end repeat
tell (1000000 + (item 1 of t) * 10000 + (item 2 of t) * 100 + (item 3 of t)) as text
return text 2 thru 3 & separator & text 4 thru 5 & separator & text 6 thru 7
end tell
end h12toh24
set fourthPart to "5pm"
h12toh24(fourthPart, "_")
I tried the opposite. I tried to convert a time from the 24 hour format to the 12 hour format because my computer is set the the US date format.
set theDate to "March 1, 2021 at 9:00"
set theTime to word 5 of theDate & ":" & word 6 of theDate
if word 1 of the theTime > 12 then
set theTime2 to (word 1 of theTime) - 12 & ":" & word 2 of theTime & "PM" as text
set theTime2 to word 1 of theTime & ":" & word 2 of theTime & "AM" as text
end if
However, there’s a bug. if the time is supposed to be 9:00AM, it becomes -3:00PM.
It works if the initial time to 10:00. Weird.
Word 1 of theTime is a word — ie. text. If it’s, say, “12”, it counts as less than “9” because it begins with “1”. You need to convert the word to a number before comparing:
set theDate to "March 1, 2021 at 15:00"
set theTime to text from word 5 to word 6 of theDate
if ((word 1 of the theTime) as integer > 12) then
set theTime2 to (((word 1 of theTime) - 12) as text) & ":" & word 2 of theTime & "PM"
set theTime2 to theTime & "AM"
end if
My reply above, while correct, isn’t really complete.
AppleScript automatically coerces between numeric text and the number classes (and between the number classes) as required. But how it does it depends on how obvious it is what the coder means.
If ‘word 1 of theTime’ is numeric text, then (word 1 of theTime) - 12 subtracts 12 from the number represented by the word, because the minus sign makes it clear that an arithmetical operation is to be done. It would be the same if the 12 was text too.
But with comparisons and concatenations, the rule is that the class of the value to the left of the operator determines what kind of comparison or contenation is done. So if ‘word 1 of theTime’ is the text “9”, (word 1 of theTime) > 12 is interpreted as “9” > “12”, which is true because the first character of “9” is lexically greater than the first character of “12”. But if the comparison were written the other way round as 12 < (word 1 of theTime), then it would be done numerically as 12 < 9 because the value to the left of the operator’s an integer.
Another possibility when comparing numeric strings is to use AppleScript’s considering numeric strings attribute, which forces numbers in strings to be compared numerically rather than lexically. It seems to work with mixtures of strings and numbers too, but I don’t know if that’s intentional.
set theDate to "March 1, 2021 at 15:00"
set theTime to text from word 5 to word 6 of theDate
considering numeric strings
if ((word 1 of the theTime) > "12") then
set theTime2 to (((word 1 of theTime) - 12) as text) & ":" & word 2 of theTime & "PM"
set theTime2 to theTime & "AM"
end if
end considering