Hi. This is the last part of a very tedious script. I saved it for last because I’ve scoured the Internet and can’t find a solution. Here’s what I’m trying to do:
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then
end if
tell window 1 of application "Terminal"
[b]create new tab[/b]
end tell
do script (ResultsFromSecondDialogText) in new tab of window 1
end tell
Alternatively, I could create a new window. But I’m dealing with several potential scenarios:
Terminal isn’t opened yet. Creating a new window creates two windows due to the default window that opens. This is compensated by the code above (if not exists window 1).
Terminal is already opened and has a window set aside being used for a special purpose - like a half-done script saved aside.
Terminal has a program running in Window 1 already and it won’t recognize the command passed to it by AppleScript.
if application "Terminal" is not running then tell application "Terminal" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Terminal"
set frontmost to true
if not (exists window 1 of application "Terminal") then
click menu item 1 of menu of menu item "New Window" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Shell" of menu bar 1
end if
click menu item 1 of menu of menu item "New Tab" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Shell" of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
I’m trying to avoid making the user enable System Events to run the script.
If I can’t get round it, I’ll probably just have the script open in a second window. If there were a way to create a new window and then make it into a tab, that could work too. I’ll see what I can figure out.
An Apple employee told me that it’s a bug that the tabs didn’t work as expected and to submit a bug report. What I found is that the windows can’t be combined into a single window with multiple tabs. But if you manually create a new tab or manually name an existing tab, it becomes recognized as a tab.
I think the logic involves windows of tabs and windows with tabs with windows in them.
I’ve never spent any time scripting tabs but this is a confusing topic in Terminal. For example, I opened one terminal window and then opened two additional tabs (1 window with 3 visible tabs). I next ran the following script which returned a count of 3 windows and 1 tab. So, for scripting purposes, it appears that tabs almost seem not to exist in Terminal.
tell application "Terminal" -- one Terminal window with 3 tabs already open
set windowCount to number of windows --> 3
set tabCount to number of tabs of window 1 --> 1
set rowCount to number of rows of window 2 --> 40
-- set rowCount to number of rows of tab 2 of window 1 --> "error: Can’t get tab 2 of window 1"
end tell
I did find a way to create a new tab in Terminal in an AppleScript without using System Events. First, change the System Preference in the Dock pane to always prefer tabs when opening documents. Then, with a terminal window open, run the following script:
tell application "Terminal"
do script ""
end tell
Clearly, changing a global system preference to get one script to work is not acceptable, but it does raise a question. Perhaps it would be best to avoid the issue of scripting windows/tabs in Terminal and let the user decide which they prefer in System Preferences.
As regards the three scenarios in Post 1, the following seems to meet all requirements under Catalina. I simulated a busy Terminal window with a “sleep 30” command. The do script line creates a new window or tab based on the System Preference setting noted above.
tell application "Terminal"
if not running then
do script ""
end if
end tell
I tried creating two windows, and then choosing the menu option Window>Merge All Windows. It puts both windows into tabs in a new window… or so it appears.
See the following script:
tell application "Terminal"
set ListOfWindows to {}
set ListOfWindows to the id of every window whose visible is true
end tell
--In my case, results were as follows: {3175, 3144}
So, I scripted the following add-on to my script above to test:
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with a from 1 to length of ListOfWindows
set frontmost of window id (item a of ListOfWindows) to true
if name of window id (item a of ListOfWindows) is not (item a of ListOfWindows as text) then
set custom title of window id (item a of ListOfWindows) to (item a of ListOfWindows as text)
end if
do script ("echo \"Window ID = \"" & (item a of ListOfWindows)) in window id (item a of ListOfWindows)
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
This cycles through the tabs in a slow visible way so I can confirm that the commands are all executing. What I noticed is that whatever “window” is frontmost is the selected tab. So, each tab behaves sort of like a window that is stuck to the tab bar. And whatever tab is selected, that tab’s name displays in the window’s title bar too.
if one uses the “make new window” command, it fails but not completely.
tell application "Terminal"
if not running then activate
set WinList to windows
display alert "Count of windows = " & (count WinList)
set nWin to make new window -- this will error out
on error errorMessage number errorNumber from offendingObject
display alert "ErrorNumber = " & errorNumber & return & "ErrorMessage = " & errorMessage
end try
-- even tho it errored out, a new invisible window was created
set WinList to windows
display alert "Count of windows = " & (count WinList)
-- we can set it to be visible, but it is an empty window
set visible of window 2 to true
end tell
one of the parameters of the “make” command is “with properties”.
If anyone could figure out if this needs to be passed with a particularly formed record, that would be awesome.
If you count the number of windows before the line “tell last window to do script”
and then again after, you will see that the “make new window” command failed as usual
and the do script command created a third window.
tell application "Terminal"
display alert (count windows) --ONE window
make new window
end try
display alert (count windows) --TWO windows
tell last window to do script ""
display alert (count windows) --THREE windows
get windows
end tell
remember is said that the make command uses a “with properties” optional paramater
I then tried this
tell application "Terminal"
if not running then activate
set WinList to windows
display alert "Count of windows = " & (count WinList) -- the window is now bigger
set nWin to make new window with properties {bounds:{0, 200, 700, 800}} -- this will error out
on error errorMessage number errorNumber from offendingObject
display alert "ErrorNumber = " & errorNumber & return & "ErrorMessage = " & errorMessage
end try
-- even tho it errored out, a new invisible window was created
set wid to id of window 2 -- get the id so I dont have to worry about the index changing
-- we can set it to be visible, but it is an empty window
set visible of window id wid to true
end tell
Now to figure out all the things it needs to be a fully functional terminal window
I think it makes no sense to continue looking for a solution to this problem. And that’s because Peavine has already shown the right solution.
From myself, I want to add only that the new tab is completely controllable, which is what the OP wants. It is enough to create a reference (newTab, for example) to the new tab, and then set its properties as you want:
-- NOTE:
-- First, change the System Preference in the Dock pane
-- to "Always prefer tabs when opening documents".
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then reopen
tell window 1 to set newTab to do script ""
tell newTab
set selected to true
set custom title to "I am one new terminal Tab"
end tell
return newTab
end tell