How To "Do Shell Script" in JXA

Hello chaps!

I’m currently playing around with JavaScript for Automation in Yosemite. Although, overall, I like it far better than AppleScript, there are certain things that seem to be very difficult for me.

All I’m trying to do is open a URL in my default browser. Here is what I have so far:

app = Application('System Events');
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

app.doShellScript('open ""');

Every time I run it, I get this error message: “Error on line 4: Error: A privilege violation occurred.”

Any idea what this means, or where I went wrong in my script?


apart from the Yosemite stuff do shell script does not belong to System Events,
so try the runtime environment (current application) instead

app = Application.currentApplication()

Thanks StefanK - that worked! Here I go spending hours of time trying to figure it out, and it takes you all of what, 5 seconds?

Here’s the working script:

app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

app.doShellScript('open ""');


I just read the release notes (don’t know if they are public yet)
do you get it by searching for javascript automation yosemite on google

Btw, to open a URL you don’t need to use doShellScript, there is a direct method to open a URL:

app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;



Does JXA work in Safari, or is it supposed to work from stand alone scripts ala AppleScripts? The Release notes are public by the way.


Does it work from within a webpage in Safari?

McUsrII: I assume you mean running the JOSA script inside a webpage?
No, it is standalone scripts (which can be saved as applications), just like Applescript.


I just thought it would be very useful, to be able use JXA from within webpages since then we’d have a nice frontend for generating reports and stuff. This would also simplify invocation of scripts from bookmarks/make it work again.