I am trying to utilize the function listed in FileMaker 7.0 help. It states:
Use Perform AppleScript to communicate with applets and other scriptable applications. For example, if you have created an AppleScript applet with sub-routines, you can call the handlers using the Perform AppleScript command like this: Perform AppleScript (“tell application “My Applet” to doMyRoutine()”)
I have created an AppleScript with a basic file write routine. The script has the basic format of:
on myroutine(opt1,opt2,opt3)
end myroutine
I used the format provided by FileMaker help to call this routine. It will, however, not work (it fails with a “Connection is invalid” error). I have actually tried this with a couple of routines and none of them work. Basically what I want to do is to be able to pass the contents of one or more fields from a FileMaker script to an AppleScript routine which will write content to a file. I cannot find any further information from FileMaker on what is required to make this work.
I have even tried to make the whole of the script perform as a calculated script in FileMaker as well with no success. I can’t figure out what you have to do to make it like multiple lines.
It seems like this should be simple, given the information in the help, but for the life of me can’t get it to work. Any help on how to make this work will be greatly appreciated.[/i]