set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
When I execute this from Script Editor the window with the list of items to select from is in focus but when I execute it from Script Menu or osascript it is out of focus and requires me to click in it to activate it.
How can I make it in focus when executed from Script Menu or osascript?
I cannot confirm that the solution provided by @Mockman is valid or not because I have never tested it. However, I do know for a fact that simply placing the activate command directly before any AppleScript “user interaction” type of commands (such as display dialog , display alert, or choose from list), will ensure that those dialogs do appear in front of everything else.
set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
Hi lagr, nice to meet you.
I’m not very good at English, so I might have misunderstood your question, but…
You want to bring the list selection window to the front, right?
I’m running this on macOS 15.3.1, so the behavior might differ if you’re on a different version.
Sorry for the slightly long code, but if you add use scripting additions and then activateSystem Events before calling it, I think it should come to the front.
Please give it a try!
I hope this helps.
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use scripting additions
set listChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Dekopon(Japanese Orange)"} as list
set strName to (name of current application) as text
if strName is "osascript" then
tell application "System Events" to activate
tell current application to activate
end if
set strTitle to ("Select your favorite fruit:") as text
set strPrompt to ("Select one") as text
tell application "System Events"
#Activate is absolutely necessary
set valueResponse to (choose from list listChoices with title strTitle with prompt strPrompt default items (item 4 of listChoices) OK button name "OK" cancel button name "I hate Monday" with empty selection allowed without multiple selections allowed)
end tell
on error
log "Error choose from list"
return false
end try
if (class of valueResponse) is boolean then
log "Cancel Response false You too?"
return false
else if (class of valueResponse) is list then
if valueResponse is {} then
log "empty selection Response"
return false
set strResponse to (item 1 of valueResponse) as text
end if
end if
I misunderstood. That was simpler than I thought. Sorry about that.
set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
tell application "SystemUIServer"
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
end tell
set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
tell application "System Event"
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
end tell
Running both from the script menu, as well as from Terminal or VSCode, brings the list selection window to the front and keeps it active. My apologies.
set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
tell application "SystemUIServer"
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
end tell
But this doesn’t work:
set theFruitChoices to {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"}
tell application "SystemUIServer" to activate
set theFavoriteFruit to choose from list theFruitChoices with prompt "Select your favorite fruit:" default items {"Apple"}
So activate and the dialog has to be within a tell-block.