What I’m trying to do is that when the user runs the App from outside the Applications folder, a display alert appears asking if he wants to move the App to the Applications folder if the App is not already there. I tried the following:
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
set myApp to path of document 1
set folderApplications to "/Applications" as POSIX file
set anyApp to "/Applications/My.app" as POSIX file
tell application "Finder"
if exists anyApp then
display alert "There is already an App with the same name in Applications Folder.
tell application "System Events"
move myApp to folderApplications
end tell
end if
end tell
end tell
but I get the following error: ERROR: Can’t get «class FTPc» of document 1. (error -1728)
Note: In the Script Editor it works well.