I have a script that works great as shown below, but if I change line 13 from…
set name of first_item to (text 1 thru 8 of theFile)
set name of first_item to (text 2 thru 8 of theFile)
the script breaks.
Can someone please tell me why and/or how I can solve this?
property dialog_timeout : 120 -- set the amount of time before dialogs auto-answer.
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving dropped_items -- this_folder is an alias
delay 5
tell application "Finder"
set this_folder_list to every folder of this_folder
set this_file_list to every file of this_folder
repeat with i in this_folder_list
set first_item to item 1 of dropped_items -- name of entire path
set theFile to (name of first_item)
if kind of first_item is "folder" then
set name of first_item to (text 1 thru 8 of theFile)
end if
end repeat
set oldFiles to (every file of this_folder whose name starts with theFile)
delete oldFiles
delay 5
repeat with i in this_folder_list
set this_file_list to every file of i
repeat with x in this_file_list
set theFile to (name of x)
set theFolderName to name of container of x
set name of x to theFolderName & "_" & theFile
end repeat
set this_file_list_with_new_name to every file of i
move this_file_list_with_new_name to this_folder
delete i
delay 5
set unneededFiles to (every file of this_folder whose name extension is not in {"csv", "xml"})
delete unneededFiles
end repeat
end tell
end adding folder items to