I want to get to know when the UIWebView did finish loading its website but I cannot find a delegate connector in the Interface Builder. That’s why I connected all other delegates, one by one, though they don’t seem right (downloadDelegate, frameLoadDelegate, policyDelegate, resourceLoadDelegate, UIDelegate) but my following delegate methods of my script aren’t called anyway:
on webView_shouldStartLoadWithRequest_navigationType_(a, b, c)
display dialog "1"
end webView_shouldStartLoadWithRequest_navigationType_
on webViewDidStartLoad_(a)
display dialog "2"
end webViewDidStartLoad_
on webViewDidFinishLoad_(a)
display dialog "3"
end webViewDidFinishLoad_
on webView_didFailLoadWithError_(a, b)
display dialog "4"
end webView_didFailLoadWithError_
I even found that UIWebView has a delegate property. But I cannot call it’s setter as then the log tells me that its setter doesn’t exist.
Has anyone experience with that? Thank you for your hints!