Actually not, but it is a practical tool. I thought later, it all depends on the size of the list, in this particular case.
And if I am, there are reasons for that, sed is a tool that requires practition, and there is a why involved here, now why would I take the pain it is to learn sed thoroughly?
The answer to that, is not that I am a bit-fiddler by nature, but that sed is a very versatile tool, that can do lots of amazing things with text files, that are really a pain with AppleScript, lacking RegExp’s and all.
Sed opens up a whole new world to programming towards text files, and your private organization of them, actually. Without the full blown pain that perl posesses. There few commands and few side-effects in sed. Perl has lots.
But sed do allow me, to edit the big list from the little list, and sift out any duplicate items in the big list. Now, you could do that easily with text items delimiters, using each and every mailaddress in the small list as text item delimiters for the big list to sift them out.
That is actually the ideal solution here, as long as the list is smaller than 16300 mail addresses, but I think it will become slower than the sed solution some time before that.
Another solution would be to use the bsearch handler of Nigel Garvey for non sorted lists, and delete items found in the big list.
This relearned me really, that it is best to work from the small list, towards the big list, in order to reduce the number of operations.