I have this idea but it needs validation...

Hello everyone,

First off let me say what a relief it was to find this forum and thank you in advance.
I’m an extreme newbie to the world of AppleScripting and have never before written a complex code but I am very eager to learn more about it and am currently doing so.

As for my question (regarding Geektool & AppleScript),
I have this idea in my head which started here http://ctn.deviantart.com/art/LS-qlocktwo-251224411, i just want to know if it’s possible to accomplish something like this with Geektool via AppleScript?

I know that the Fuzzy Clock has already been accomplished through Geektool via AppleScript so I am hopeful that this can be achieved. but who knows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :D.

Thank you guys.


I won’t pretend to know the final answer to your question, but I’ll tell you what I know about GeekTool.
No matter what scripting language you use, the output of a shell geeklet is always plain text. You can format this plain text any way you like, but this will affect all the text in the output. I don’t see how it would be possible to assign one color to active text elements and another to the dimmed ones.

I hope someone smarter than me will drop by and prove me wrong though. That would be a pretty (and profoundly geeky) thing to have on your desktop.

By the way, make sure to check out the unScripted forum on this website. It’s a goldmine of excellent tutorials, and the AppleScript for Beginners series is a great place to start.

Welcome to MacScripter, Kate. Before we go any further, though, your example shows the display on an iPhone or iPod Touch and neither of them support AppleScript, so I’m assuming that you’d like to have the display on your desktop via GeekTool. There is a screensaver like that too called Word Clock

GeekTool will run a shell script and put the result on the desktop, so we’re not really talking AppleScript, per se.