I need help


I’m new to this…and could use some help.

I need a applescript (or something else) that copy a file "bookmarks.html from a server volume to the local disk.

The file is located on the server volume in a folder named “my user name”

In my case that would be


the file should be copied to my Document folder in my profile “thomas.Hansen”

Could anyone help me out here…


Here are pieces of code I have from various scripts that you should be able to tweek to accomplish your task

This one will check if a disk is mounted, and if not it will be mounted for you, then the specified folder will be revealed in the Finder.

tell application "Finder"
          --this can also be set to the IP address if need be
	set ThisVolume to "afp://login:password@Rendesvous_Name.local/Path/To/File"
		if (list disks) does not contain "NameOfDisk" then mount volume ThisVolume
	end try
		reveal folder "NameOfDisk"
	end try
end tell

To copy a file simply do something like the following:

tell application "Finder"
set theItem to "path:to:your:item"
set targetFolder to "path:to:target:folder:"
move theItem to targetFolder
end tell