I "stole" a script and need to change it...

Hi all

I “stole” this script, but I need to make a small change.

Currently it looks at a folder named movies on the hard drive. I need it to look in a folder on a NAS on my network.

–on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
with timeout of (720 * 60) seconds
tell application “Finder”
–Get all AVI and MKV files that have no label color yet, meaning it hasn’t been processed
set allFiles to every file of entire contents of (“SecondaryHD:Movies” as alias) whose ((name extension is “avi” or name extension is “mkv”) and label index is 0)
–Repeat for all files in above folder
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in allFiles
set currentFile to (item i of allFiles)
–Set to gray label to indicate processing
set label index of currentFile to 7
–Assemble original and new file paths
set origFilepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFile as alias)
set newFilepath to (characters 1 thru -5 of origFilepath as string) & “mp4’”
–Start the conversion
set shellCommand to “nice /Applications/HandBrakeCLI -i " & origFilepath & " -o " & newFilepath & " -e x264 -b 4000 -a 1 -E faac -B 160 -R 48 -6 dpl2 -f mp4 “crop 0:0:0:0 -x level=40:ref=2:mixed-refs:bframes=3:weightb:subme=9:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:analyse=all:no-fast-pskip:filter=-2,-1 ;”
do shell script shellCommand
–Set the label to green in case file deletion fails
set label index of currentFile to 6
–Remove the old file
set shellCommand to "rm -f " & origFilepath
do shell script shellCommand
on error errmsg
–Set the label to red to indicate failure
set label index of currentFile to 2
end try
end repeat
end tell
end timeout
–end adding folder items to

Model: mac mini
Browser: Safari 600.2.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)


just replace
“SecondaryHD:Movies” as alias
folder "NameOfNASVolume:Path:to:Folder:

NameOfNASVolume is the name of the mounted volume and
Path:to:Folder: is the colon separated path to the folder

Consider that entire contents is very expensive because it searches also in every subfolder of the specified folder. If you don’t need that, delete entire contents

replace also

set origFilepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFile as alias)


set origFilepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFile as text)

it’s more reliable to avoid alias specifiers on shared volumes