I want to make a Mario World replica with AppleScript Objective-C

Is this possible? All I want to do is make a simple level replica of world 1-1 of Super Mario Bros, and then I’ll build myself from there. Is there a way to do this? Where do I start?

Someone help me. I want to push my goals. :smiley:

Note: I’ve gotten a hold on the iPhone SDK, and I will say, I actually understand it. It’s still Objective-C, but slightly modified to the point where I can make a view say “Hello World!”

I’m doing this in a iPhone environment, but it’s almost the same except for a bell or a whistle.

There is no ASOC on iPhone, I’m as disappointed as you. Only Objective-C on iPhone, everything else on Mac though.

Yes, having only Objective-C on the iPhone is a disappointment, but is dumbed down a bit really simply. There are less methods. You don’t have to do [text setStringValue:@“”]; but just text.text = @“”; and instead of thousands of countless classes like NSString, NSColor, there are a lot less (UIColor, NSString, UILabel, UIView, NSTimer). But, I think I should buy a book to do this instead of asking you guys wasting your precious time.

Not that precious to me if I can help. :slight_smile:

I’m doing this in Mac OS Objective-C the same way by using properties and dot notation