I want to manipulate a url

I want to manipulate a url created in webjects, add text and then open in a new window, and hopefully time the page loading.


“7jtGNbXEEctkmCSTmuyf2w” is dynamically created session in webjects, follow by text I want to delete which is after the last “/”
I then want to Concatenate the following text onto the url “”

Basically, I want to copy the first URL including the dynamically created session object take off the last part and then add “”, so I can get to my next page.
If possible I would like also to time the loading of the final page.

After copying the first URL, run this script:

set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set newURL to (text items 1 through -2 of (the clipboard)) as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
set the clipboard to newURL & "/"

This will put the new URL on the clipboard.

That was great, and correct, but me bad___What I need to do is this…
I want to manipulate code accordingly:
The URL comes up:

I need “www.urlname.com

Inside the code of the page the first “find all” looks like this:
[" Find All",“/scripts/WebObjects.dll/school-tsweb.woa/1/wo/mQQ7k5B2tBbXUZcTbBHPVM/”,1,0,0]

I need “/scripts/WebObjects.dll/school-tsweb.woa/1/wo/mQQ7k5B2tBbXUZcTbBHPVM/”
This session is of course dynamic.

I want to concatenate the base URL with the session and code and bring it up in a new webpage.