iCal event date


I am trying to select all the events of the current date in iCal. This script errors when I try to obtain the date string of the start date:

tell application "iCal"
	tell calendar "Home"
		set theEvent to the summary of every event whose (date string of start date) = (date string of (current date))
	end tell
end tell

Any pointer to a solution?



PS: Snow Leopard

does this work?

set cd to date string of (current date)
tell application "iCal"
	tell calendar "Home"
		set theEvent to the summary of every event whose (date string of start date) = cd
	end tell
end tell

It’s always (even before Snow Leopard) recommended to keep Standard Additions commands (like current date) out of application tell blocks

Thanks Stefan.

The current date part works ; the iCal start date seems to create the error:

get summary of every event of calendar "Home" whose date string of start date = "Thursday, November 5, 2009"
	--> error number -1700 from date string of start date to specifier


Why not

set cd to (current date)
tell application "iCal"
	tell calendar "Home"
		set theEvent to the summary of every event whose start date = cd
	end tell
end tell

That runs fine, but it only returns the event(s) at that very moment, to the second (here: whose start date = date “Thursday, November 5, 2009 4:43:49 PM”)!

Since I need a list of all the events of the day, I need to eliminate the time part of the full date, to cover the 24 hours of the day (or at least the remaining time until midnight of that date).


what’s about this

tell (current date) to set today to (it - (its time))
set tomorrow to today + days
tell application "iCal"
	tell calendar "Home"
		set theEvent to the summary of every event whose (start date ≥ today) and (start date < tomorrow)
	end tell
end tell

Edit: nonsense, this is sufficient

tell (current date) to set today to (it - (its time))
tell application "iCal"
	tell calendar "Home"
		set theEvent to the summary of every event whose (start date ≥ today)
	end tell
end tell

Brilliant as always! Thanks much, Stefan!

Caution: The edited script does not return the correct data: since there is no upper limit, it returns all the events after the date! The first version of the script does work and returns the all the events of the current date
