I was hoping someone could correct my code below so that I can automatically attach attachment when I am creating an iCal event.
Below is what i have. I have tried many different ways, but it seems like I am not hitting the right spot for this one!
Any help is greatly appreciated!
set duration to 120 -- set duration to 120 -- in minutes --
set start_time to (current date)
set end_time to (current date)
set indexing to 1
set Start_date to 1
set Start_of_entries to 1
set number_of_entries to 1
---- Create test attachment file
set whoami to do shell script "whoami"
set Attachment_file to "Users:" & whoami & ":Desktop:Test_Attachment_File.txt"
set Test_Text to "
This is a test file that is written for attachment testing"
if not (exists Attachment_file) then
set Test_File to open for access file Attachment_file with write permission
write Test_Text to Test_File starting at eof
close access Test_File
end if
tell application "iCal"
delay 2
-- Ask user to select their calendar
set find_calendar to title of every calendar
set calendar_name to choose from list find_calendar with prompt "Select Your Calendar" as text
set calendar_name to calendar_name as text
if not calendar_name = false then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- Create a simple calendar with all possible fields
tell calendar calendar_name
set event_1 to make new event at end with properties {description:"Event Note " & indexing, summary:"Event Title " & indexing, location:" Location " & indexing, start date:start_time, end date:end_time + duration * minutes, url:"www.blackberry.com"}
tell event_1
make new display alarm at beginning of display alarms with properties {trigger interval:-30}
end tell
delay 2
tell event_1
-- make new attachment at beginning of attachments with properties {file name:Attachment_file}
-- make new attachment with properties {file name:Attachment_file}
-- make new file attachment at beginning of attachments with properties {file name:Attachment_file}
-- make new file attachment at end with properties {file name:Attachment_file}
end tell
end tell
end tell