iChat - Launch and Setup new buddy


Here I am in dreamland … I want to have an AppleScript that will:

1/ Launch iChat (or bring it to the foreground),
2/ Setup a Buddy (filling in the Address Card with First name, Last name, Email and my AIM detail )

My hope is that I could make this script a downloadable app or script from a web page URL and setup my customers iChat automatically if they wish.

Am I a dreamer? or can this been done.

I’m a complete AppleScript novice, but I do programme in PHP and MySQL, so if I can have some directions from you guys (and gals) I can help myself…

Thank you.

Model: G3 / G4 / G5
AppleScript: 10.3.x bundled
Browser: Safari 312.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

Well, I guess there’s just no AppleScrit control over iChat then?

Model: G3 / G4 / G5
AppleScript: 10.3.x bundled
Browser: Safari 312.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

It hasn’t even been 24 hours. Yes, iChat has AppleScript support, but it is limited.

However, I don’t understand your request. Are you saying you want a script that people can download that will automatically add you as a buddy (and fill in the other info)?

Hi Bruce,

Yes, I simply want to make a script that adds me as their buddy.

Any suggestion, please :slight_smile: