Hey All,
I have a script attached to File Owner’s idle. The script is set to trigger every 5 minutes. Works fine in 10.5/10.6, but in 10.4, the program beachballs for the first 15 seconds. It operates fine after that, but I’d like to know why it’s beachballing, if anybody has any idea.
Here’s the script:
--[SCRIPT autosave4iWork.app]
Original autosave4iWork script by Yvan KOENIG.
property minutesBetweenSaves : 5
(* enregistrera toutes les 10 minutes *)
on idle theObject
my auto4PKN("Pages")
my auto4PKN("Keynote")
my auto4PKN("Numbers")
return minutesBetweenSaves * minutes
end idle
on auto4PKN(theApp)
local titres, aDoc
tell application "System Events" to set titres to title of processes
if theApp is in titres then
tell application theApp
repeat with aDoc in every document
if modified of aDoc then save aDoc
end repeat
end tell -- theApp
end if
end auto4PKN