Xtool & Jon’s Commands are required for this, basically when u want to see ur mouse move really fast, u click esc, and when u want it off u click esc again, ,and when u want it back on… lol, anyway, if u want it completely off, just make sure that its on the off section and click F1
repeat until (keys pressed) contains "F1"
repeat until (keys pressed) contains "escape"
set cursortype to some item of {"arrow cursor", "watch cursor", "busy cursor", "I beam cursor", "cross cursor", "plus cursor", "string", "short integer"}
set x to random number from 0 to 1280
set Y to random number from 0 to 1024
move mouse {x, Y}
set cursor to cursortype
end repeat
repeat until (keys pressed) contains "escape"
if (keys pressed) contains "F1" then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat