I am looking to create a loop in AppleScript that calls a script using the “run script alias” command, and I want ignore the response from it, so it will continue working while the script that called it can continue running - but every time I try either the script is not called, or the script doing the calling must wait. I tried:
tell application "Finder"
ignoring application responses
run script alias "HD:Users:userName:Desktop:scriptName" with parameters {theParams}
end ignoring
end tell
The script does not get called - however, if I remove “ignoring application responses” it will run the script (but ,as expected, will not continue until it is done).
tell me
ignoring application responses
run script alias "HD:Users:userName:Desktop:scriptName" with parameters {theParams}
end ignoring
end tell
This will run the script, but will also not ignore responses and waits for it to finish before continuing.
When I save the script I want to call as an application, I can make it partially work by telling it to run:
tell application "scriptName"
ignoring application responses
end ignoring
end tell
It does run and is ignored, so the calling script can continue, but I cannot pass it parameters doing it this way, and I need to pass it just one parameter.
Any hints or suggestions?