image events with automator


ive been doing some work with applescript and image events. I have a script that can resize my images, but i would like to simplify it and make it usable within an automator workflow. What im trying to do is to rewrite the script so its very simple and basic, but i cant figure out how to get it to work…

on open some_items
	repeat with this_item in some_items
		end try
	end repeat
end open

to rescale_and_save(this_item)
	tell application "Image Events"
		tell application "Finder" to set the target_width to text returned of (display dialog "What width would you like to resize to? Must be a number:" default answer "")
		-- open the image file
		set this_image to open this_item
		set typ to this_image's file type
		copy dimensions of this_image to {current_width, current_height}
		if current_width is greater than current_height then
			scale this_image to size target_width
			-- figure out new height
			-- y2 = (y1 * x2) / x1
			set the new_height to (current_height * target_width) / current_width
			scale this_image to size new_height
		end if
		tell application "Finder"
			set myDir to "Macintosh HD:Users:Nothinggrinder:Desktop:resized"
			if exists myDir then
				if exists (myDir & ":" & (name of this_item)) then
					tell application "Finder" to set new_item to "Macintosh HD:Users:Nothinggrinder:Desktop:resized:" & "copy_" & (name of this_item)
					save this_image in new_item as typ
					tell application "Finder" to set new_item to "Macintosh HD:Users:Nothinggrinder:Desktop:resized:" & (name of this_item)
					save this_image in new_item as typ
				end if
				set dp to myDir
				tell application "Finder" to if not (exists folder dp) then do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of dp
				if exists (dp) then
					tell application "Finder" to set new_item to "Macintosh HD:Users:Nothinggrinder:Desktop:resized:" & (name of this_item)
					save this_image in new_item as typ
				end if
			end if
		end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			set myDir2 to "Macintosh HD:Users:Nothinggrinder:Desktop:image_original"
			if exists myDir2 then
				if exists (myDir2 & ":" & (name of this_item)) then
					tell application "Finder" to move this_item to myDir2
				end if
				set dp to myDir2
				tell application "Finder" to if not (exists folder dp) then do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of dp
				if exists (dp) then
					tell application "Finder" to move this_item to myDir2
				end if
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end rescale_and_save

this is my original script, its designed as a droplet. I would like to set and create the folders in automator, then just resize the image using image events. This way i dont have to worry about paths. I do like that i can enter the size i would like to resize to. The rest should be changed im sure, but im not very clear on how applescript works with automator… any help would be appreciated. if any one has any examples that would be great too. thanks.

so i added this to my workflow, just

get finder items, then this script, all that happens is the two folders are created and it asks for a size, then opens the image in photoshop but does nothing. I took out the bit in the rescale_and_save function

tell (open…)

changed to


this also did nothing. just the two folders and asked for the scaling size…

Any way to avoid hardcoding the file paths?