I am trying to use Imagine Photo and AS to read a movie file and export all of the frames as BMP files. I am pretty sure there is a way to do this and i am pretty close, but i am not all the way there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
here is what i have, it just loads a movie and draws each frame, i think there is a way to export the drawn frame.
on run
set movieFile to choose file with prompt "Choose movie file to copy: " without invisibles
set newFileLocation to choose file name with prompt "Save tall movie to: " default name "tallMovie.mov"
--set drawingText to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the text to add to the bottom of the movie: " default answer "[url=http://www.yvs.eu.com]www.yvs.eu.com[/url]")
tell application "iMagine Photo"
set movieImporter to import movie movieFile
if the component error of movieImporter is not equal to 0 then
display dialog "The file is not a movie Quicktime recognizes"
close movieImporter
end if
set timeScaleScale to 600 / (time scale of movieImporter)
set maximum samples of movieImporter to -1
set {x, y, width, height} to natural bounds of movieImporter
set newMovieWidth to (width)
set newMovieHeight to (height)
set thisDocument to make new window document with properties {dimensions:{newMovieWidth, newMovieHeight}}
set the drawing destination of movieImporter to thisDocument
set the destination rectangle of movieImporter to {0, 0, newMovieWidth, newMovieHeight}
set theSamples to the drawing samples of movieImporter
repeat with i from 1 to the (count of theSamples) - 1
set the current time of movieImporter to item i of theSamples
draw movieImporter
end repeat
close movieImporter
close thisDocument
end tell
end run