Import EPS in QXpress document


I have a script that makes a new QXpress document with a illustration frame wich
is activated and i want to import a .eps file from a folder of my desktop by a applescript
can somebody help me to make this possible.

tell application “QuarkXPress Passport™ 4.11”
set thePath to “:”

tell default document 1
	set oldHeight to page height
	set oldWidth to page width
	set oldAutoTextBox to automatic text box
	set oldGuidesShowing to guides showing
	set xDocMeasure to horizontal measure
	set yDocMeasure to vertical measure
	set page height to "297 mm"
	set page width to "210 mm"
	set automatic text box to false
	set guides showing to true
	set horizontal measure to millimeters
	set vertical measure to millimeters
end tell
make document at beginning

tell document 1
	set view scale to fit page in window
end tell
tell page 1 of document 1
	make picture box at beginning with properties {bounds:{"0 mm", "0 mm", "297 mm", "210 mm"}, color:"wit"}
	select picture boxes
end tell

end tell

I’m not sure how to show this but your script can read as follows:

set newBox to make new picture box at beginning with properties ¬
					{bounds:{"0"", "0"", "1"", "2.167""}, color:¬
				set image 1 of newBox to ("" & filePath & fileName)

If the image is the same every time you can “hard wire” the path above (“hard drive:desktop folder:filename”)

If you want to choose it, try

set userChoice to (choose file with prompt ¬
“Choose the image to import.” of type {“TIFF”})
set image 1 of newBox to userChoice

Hope that helps.


tell application "Quark"
  make new document with properties { go here...}
  tell document 1
    tell page 1
      make new picture box at beginning with properites {bounds: {...bounds list...}, name: "ImportHere"
      set image 1 of picture box "ImportHere" to (TheFilePath)
    end tell
  end tell
end tell

I didnt test this, so it might be a bit rough. Also there is no need to have the picture box selected to import the art, though if you wanted to make it selected add the following line:
set selected of picture box "“ImportHere” to true