Import .plist to Table view

Thanks to help from StefanK I am now able to save my table view contents to a .plist file.

Is there a straightforward way of Loading them back in again?



NSArray and NSDictionary have methods to read a plist file from disk
arrayWithContentsOfFile: and dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:

Thanks Stefan

How would I go about clearing the existing contents of the Table View?


the array controller has methods to add and remove objects, for example

arrayController's removeObjects:(arrayController's arrangedObjects())

I am getting this error when I try loading a .plist to the table view

2014-03-14 19:41:20.960 SMPTE Grabber[15174:303] -[NSArrayController arrayWithContentsOfFile:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001c2ee0
2014-03-14 19:41:20.963 SMPTE Grabber[15174:303] *** -[AppDelegate ChooseOpen:]: -[NSArrayController arrayWithContentsOfFile:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080001c2ee0 (error -10000)

the sender is

on ChooseOpen:sender
		set resultFile to choose file with prompt "Select Saved File"
		set OpenThis to POSIX path of resultFile
		ArrayController's arrayWithContentsOfFile:OpenThis
	end ChooseOpen:

arrayWithContentsOfFile: belongs to NSArray, not to NSArrayController

set resultFile to choose file with prompt "Select Saved File"
set theArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithContentsOfFile:(POSIX path of resultFile)
arrayController's addObjects:theArray

It doesn’t appear to do anything, do I need to link th NSArray to the table view or Array Controller in the IB?


the snippet assumes that arrayController is connected to an NSArrayController instance in IB

I have arrayContoller set as a referencing outlet to my Array Controller, is this what you mean?


Yes, and the value of the table columns must be bound to the appropriate dictionary keys