Incrementing repeating calendar event name

If this has been covered elsewhere, please point me to it. I’ve seen the post on incrementing the anniversary event where the anniversary date was read from contacts. I’m looking for a script for my hockey league, where I can put in the first game of the season, e.g. GeriHatTricks game 1 of 15, set it up as a recurring event for 15 weeks but have each subsequent event name read “…game 2 of 15”, “…game 3 of 15” etc.

I am not a coder and haven’t written any programs since college using Fortran in the early 80’s, but I can usually read the code well enough to understand how it is working.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

This is pretty easy to do with a loop.

The thing to bear in mind is that events need 3 elements - a Summary (what you see on the Calendar itself), a start and an end time.

The following script should get you started:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

-- adjust these figures as needed
set SeasonStartDate to date "September 1 2024"
-- start time of the game (in 24 hour format)
set gameStartTime to 16 * hours
-- how long is each game (used to calculate event end time)
set gameDuration to 1 * hours

-- loop 15 times
repeat with gameNo from 1 to 15
	-- calculate the start date of this game, based on the Season Start Date and week offset
	set thisGameStartDate to SeasonStartDate + ((gameNo - 1) * 7 * days)
	-- set the game start time
	set time of thisGameStartDate to gameStartTime
	-- and end time
	set thisGameEndDate to thisGameStartDate + gameDuration
	-- now go make an event on the calendar
	-- need to edit the Calendar name as appropriate
	tell application "Calendar"
		make new event at end of events of calendar "Game Schedule" with properties {summary:"Game " & gameNo & " of 15", start date:thisGameStartDate, end date:thisGameEndDate}
	end tell
end repeat

I’ll give this a shot. Thanks