Hi everyone,
I now have a properly working code to find “bad” hyphens in InDesign CS3, should work as is in CS2 by changing the app (double hyphens and hyphens in words containing upper case letter).
The script works, but of course it’s pretty slow, as I’m sure many things I’ve done can be done better (10 minutes to go through a 360 pages document).
So, I’d be greatful if anyone could give me hints on what to optimize.
Among the things I guess could be done better :
- checking the presence of a letter in a string (checkcaps handler)
- detection of double hyphens directly one after the other : I convert the word to ascii to check the presenc of two ascii 45 in a row. The unicode ref for the soft hyphen seems to be 2d00, but i have no idea how to check for it in a string…
Here’s the code :
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set storynumber to count document 1 each story --number of stories in current document
set theList to {}
set lineNumber to {}
repeat with m from 1 to storynumber
set end of lineNumber to count story m of document 1 each line --for every story, add "number of lines in story" to the list linenumber
end repeat
tell document 1
repeat with n from 1 to storynumber -- for every story in the document
tell story n -- talk to selected story
repeat with i from 1 to item n of lineNumber --for every line in the current story
if length of line i is greater than 1 then --check that line is not empty
tell line i
set lastword to last word
set asciicodes to my converttoascii(last word) --converts the last word to a list of its characters' ascii numbers
set verifBaseline to ((baseline of first character of last word) is not (baseline of last character of last word)) --if the baseline of the first character of the last word of the current line is different from the baseline of its last character then verifBaseline is true
set verifHyphen to (characters of lastword contains "-") and (asciicodes does not contain {45, 45}) --if the last word of the current line contains a hyphen and the word is not rightfully hyphenated between words then verifHyphen becomes true
set verifCaps to my checkcaps(lastword) -- verifCaps is true if the last word contains an uppercase letter
if ((verifBaseline and verifHyphen) or (verifBaseline and verifCaps)) then --if either (the word contains an Hyphen and is on two lines) OR (it has an upper case letter and is on two lines)
set selection of application "Adobe InDesign CS3" to last word
select (last word)
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
set thePage to (parent of parent text frames of selection) --move the view to the page containg the word to be corrected
set active page of layout window 1 to thePage
tell layout window 1
set zoom percentage to 100
end tell
end tell
set choix to ""
repeat until choix is "Suivant" --user can unhyphen the word or move to the next or stop the script
if hyphenation of last word is true then --if word is hyphenated, allow user to unhyphen it
display dialog "Que faire avec " & lastword buttons {"Dé-césurer", "Suivant", "Stop"}
set choix to button returned of result
if choix is "Dé-césurer" then
set hyphenation of last word to false
end if
if choix is "Stop" then
end if
end if
if hyphenation of last word is false then --if word is not hyphenated, allow user to rehyphen it
display dialog "Que faire avec " & lastword buttons {"Re-césurer", "Suivant", "Stop"}
set choix to button returned of result
if choix is "Re-césurer" then
set hyphenation of last word to true
end if
if choix is "Stop" then
end if
end if
end repeat --move to next word
set end of theList to ({lastword, name of thePage}) --record the word and its initial page number in theList
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (",")
set theListText to theList as string
display alert theListText
end tell
to checkcaps(passedword) --checks if each character of the passed word contains a letter from the capitalletters list
local capitalized, capitalletters
set capitalized to false as boolean
set capitalletters to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ASCII character 131, ASCII character 174, ASCII character 128, ASCII character 129, ASCII character 130, ASCII character 132, ASCII character 133, ASCII character 134, ASCII character 203, ASCII character 204, ASCII character 205, ASCII character 206, ASCII character 229, ASCII character 230, ASCII character 231, ASCII character 232, ASCII character 233, ASCII character 234, ASCII character 235, ASCII character 236, ASCII character 237, ASCII character 238, ASCII character 239, ASCII character 241, ASCII character 242, ASCII character 243, ASCII character 244} as list
repeat with zz from 1 to length of passedword
considering case --required to force script to differentiate lower case from higher case
if capitalized = false then
set capitalized to (item zz of characters of passedword is in capitalletters) --becomes true when a capital letter is found in the passedword
end if
end considering
end repeat
return capitalized
end checkcaps
to converttoascii(passedword) --converts each character of the passed word to its ascii number and collects them in asciilist, which is returned
set asciilist to {} as list
repeat with zz from 1 to length of passedword
set end of asciilist to ASCII number (item zz of characters of passedword)
end repeat
return asciilist
end converttoascii