It used to be that I could ask Indesign to print using a printer preset without showing the dialog box. Now it doesn’t seem possible.
tell document 1 of application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
print without print dialog
end tell
The script returns: Adobe InDesign 2020 got an error: The configuration was invalid or the user cancelled. Please try the same operation in the user interface to see more detailed information.
Has anyone tried this lately?
– Hi, try this form (works in CC 2019)
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
tell document 1
print without print dialog
end tell
end tell
Thanks kerflooey,
unfortunately that code gives me the same error. I tried it with Indesign 2019 and 2020. I also ran it through Script Editor, Script Debugger 6 and 7 but no luck. I’m running Catalina.
Deleting folders named Adobe PCD and reinstalling InDesign should help. This folder is at location /Library/Application Support/Adobe/. If it exist in user domain’s /Library/Application Support/Adobe/, then delete it there too
Try this:
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
tell document 1
print without print dialog
end tell
end tell
Hi Shane, still getting the same error 
Does it work on your Mac?
Hi KniazidisR, I’d rather not delete special files and reinstall unless there’s specifically a problem with my installation. This script shouldn’t require special preparation since it needs to work for someone else.
Have you tried a different preset? That sounds like a conflict in the preset somewhere.
This error also occurs when there are no printers currently installed. As is said in the error’s description try to print manually from InDesign menu File–>Print… to get more detailed information.
OK guys… I found out what was going on! This is a laugh. The last time I printed I probably used that printer preset and the option for “print blank pages” was unchecked. Well guess what I decided to use as a test document? That’s right – a document with a single blank page!
So even though I had cut down the AppleScript to not even specify that printer preset, it was still trying to print with the last print settings. When I tried printing manually, I got the error message about the page being blank. I put a text box on there and now all the above scripts print perfectly.
So my bad! Thanks for all your help and sorry for wasting all your time. But hey, you needed something to do in lockdown anyway right? 
It may be good to apply a “Boot without error” by pressing the shift key.
It disable several components and clear numerous files.
After that when you will apply a standard boot we may hope that your system will retrieve a correct behavior.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 11 avril 2020 16:38:55