InDesign: Setting Linescreen for PostScript Files

I’ve got a script that outputs the current InDesign document to a PostScript file using a Printer Preset which has the separation linescreens set to 100. But the PS files produced output at 133 lpi so obviously something isn’t working. I’ve logged the frequencies in the Printer Preset while running the script from Script Editor and it logs “100.0”. I’ve even checked the ‘ink’ settings and the linescreens for them are also logging as 100.

There’s nothing wrong with the script operation otherwise. Anybody have any idea what’s going on and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.

Mac OS 10.3.9, InDesign CS 3.0.1 (CS1)

Hmmm… what happens when you use that print preset to create the PS by hand? What’s the LS then?


I think I’ve figured out half of the problem and I’ve eliminated the issue but it doesn’t really solve anything. The documents I’m working from are based on a template which, when saved, had its print setting set to output at 133 lpi. So apparently setting the Printer Preset does nothing for the the linescreen settings. Or separation settings for that matter. I know setting the Printer Preset (in the script) is doing something, though, since I also have the script output composite PostScript. I also know the Printer Presets have the linescreen data properly stored in it since when I select the preset in the Print dialog, the linescreens change to the appropriate settings - separations, too. So it seems it’s just a problem with how InDesign deals with the script setting the Printer Preset. Hopefully this is fixed in CS2 - and hopefully my boss will approve purchasing it soon. :wink: