Hey Guys,
I am having an issue with a script.
Originally places boxes required by the user, then checks the links folder for a new barcode and updates it in the library placeholder box.
But it is copying the placeholder image to the links folder and not using the updated file in the links folder.
The initial script is not mine, i have only been given the task to rewrite certain requirements.
But i know the items updated in the library may be the issue, but i am not sure or even how to fix them…
global myH, myW, myB, theDoc, my2upH, thePDF, topRot, botRot, mySpine, spSize, theMessage, myDialog, Create2up, myContinue, myPDF, theDoc, my2upW, my2upH, myNonPrint, NonPrint, npSize, topRectangle, botRectangle, TheFirst, theISBN, The1, The2, The3, The4, The5, myBCorBF, myKorW, myWFSP, myWFFC, theFrameTest, theFramecolor, myKW, theFile, theName, theList, thecopy, thisLink, thenewpath, theExist, myCCC, theoldorig, MyP, theDialog, theResult, myCCCBC, myWFBC, thejob, thejobs, thejob1, thejob2, thejob3, thebarcode, k, theUnusedSwatches
set theDoc to {}
--Setting the path to the folder where library files are stored
--Replace with the path where you saved the library files
set library_path to path to desktop as string
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2019"
--Getting a list of every library
set the_libraries to library
--Opening the library
--set pathtoLibFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "_Scholastic Libraries:") as string
--set the_libraries to "SCH Library" & ".indl" as string
--set theDoc to open (pathtoLibFile & "SCH Library" & ".indl")
set myDW to 0
set spSize to 0
set setspineSize to 0
set myB to 0
set bleedamount to 0
set myW to 0
set coverWidth to 0
set myH to 0
set coverHeigth to 0
set myBCorBF to 0
set myBCBF to 0
set myKW to 0
set myKorW to 0
set myWFSP to 0
set myWframeSP to 0
set myWFFC to 0
set myWframeFCP to 0
if not (exists library "SCH Library.indl") then
set dialogTitle to "Choose your InDesign Version"
set theDialog to display alert "Select the Correct InDesign Version" buttons {"2019 V14", "2020 V15", "2021 V16"} default button "2019 V14" giving up after 10
if button returned of theDialog = "2019 V14" then
set pathtoLibFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "_Scholastic Libraries:2019 V14:") as string
set the_libraries to "SCH Library" & ".indl" as string
set theDoc to open (pathtoLibFile & "SCH Library" & ".indl")
else if button returned of theDialog = "2020 V15" then
set pathtoLibFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "_Scholastic Libraries:2020 V15:") as string
set the_libraries to "SCH Library" & ".indl" as string
set theDoc to open (pathtoLibFile & "SCH Library" & ".indl")
else if button returned of theDialog = "2021 V16" then
set pathtoLibFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "_Scholastic Libraries:2021 V16:") as string
set the_libraries to "SCH Library" & ".indl" as string
set theDoc to open (pathtoLibFile & "SCH Library" & ".indl")
end if
my myDialog()
if theResult = false then
error number -128
my myContinue()
my myplaceitems()
my mySave()
save theDoc to theFile & theName as string
if theExist is true then
display dialog "The document " & theName & " was created because file name alreasy exist in folder, also graphics copied." giving up after 10
display dialog "The document " & theName & " was created and graphics copied." giving up after 10
end if
end if
end if
--end if
end tell
on mySave()
set theSave to choose folder with prompt "Save document to Cover folder"
tell application "Finder"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set myW to 0
set myH to 0
set myB to 0
set myDW to 0
set theFile to theSave as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set theISBN to fifth text item of theFile as text
---test for "SCH EDU"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set theSCHEDU to 2nd text item of theFile as text
if theSCHEDU = "SCH EDU" then
set theISBN to fourth text item of theFile as text
set thejob to 3rd text item of theFile as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set thejob1 to 1st text item of thejob as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set thejob2 to thejob1
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set thejob3 to thejob1
set theISBN to fifth text item of theFile as text
set thejob to 4th text item of theFile as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set thejob1 to 1st text item of thejob as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set thejob2 to 1st text item of thejob1 as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set thejob3 to 2nd text item of thejob1 as text
set thebarcode to thejob2 & "0" & thejob3 & "_ISBN-" & theISBN & ".pdf" as text
end if
set theName to "FC_BC_" & theISBN & "." & "indd" as text
---checking for InDesign file existing
if exists (theFile & theName) then
set theName to "FC_BC_" & theISBN & "_new" & "." & "indd" as text
set theExist to true
set theExist to false
end if
--links copy
set thenewpath to (theFile & "" & "Links") as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
my myLinks()
end tell
end mySave
on myLinks()
tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
set theDoc to active document
tell theDoc
--set stroke weight to 0
set theLinks to every link
repeat with i from 1 to count of theLinks
set theLinkname to name of item i of theLinks
--try --if status of item i of theLinks is not link missing then
set thisLink to theLinkname
if thisLink is "9780545693851_CTSD_EAN.eps" then
set thisLink to thebarcode
end if
if exists (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink) then
relink of item i of theLinks to (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink) as alias
end if
end try
if thisLink is "97130055_ISBN9780545814287-5.99.pdf" then
repeat with k from 1 to 32
set theBFbarcode to thejob2 & "0" & thejob3 & "_ISBN-" & theISBN & ".pdf"
set thisLink2 to theBFbarcode
if exists (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink2) then
relink of item i of theLinks to (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink2) as alias
set horizontal scale of i of theLinks to 99
set vertical scale of i of theLinks to 99
end if
end try
end repeat
end if
end repeat
--other links
---- place white frame logo
repeat with i from 1 to count of theLinks
set theLinkname to name of item i of theLinks
try --if status of item i of theLinks is not link missing then
set thisLink to theLinkname
if thisLink is "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black.eps" then
if myWFBC is true then
set thisLink to "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black.OL.eps"
end if
else if thisLink is "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white.eps" then
if myWFBC is true then
set thisLink to "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white.OL.eps"
end if
end if
my myCopy()
relink of item i of theLinks to (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink) as alias
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end myLinks
on myCopy()
tell application "Finder"
set thecopy to "Logos:" & thisLink
if exists (thenewpath & ":" & thisLink) then
duplicate file thecopy to thenewpath
end if
end tell
end myCopy
on myDialog()
tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
tell view preferences --of application
set horizontal measurement units to inches
set vertical measurement units to inches
set theoldorig to ruler origin
set ruler origin to spread origin
end tell
set theDialog to make dialog with properties {can cancel:true}
tell theDialog
set name to "Document specs"
set myDialogColumn to make dialog column
tell myDialogColumn
set myBorderPanel1 to make border panel
tell myBorderPanel1
make static text with properties {static label:"Spine Width:"}
set mySpine to make dialog column
tell mySpine
set spineSize to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:36, edit units:inches, small nudge:0.1, minimum value:0, maximum value:288, min width:0}
end tell
end tell
tell myBorderPanel1
make static text with properties {static label:" Bleed Amount:"}
set myBleed to make dialog column
tell myBleed
set bleedamount to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:9, edit units:inches, small nudge:0.1, minimum value:0, maximum value:288, min width:0}
end tell
end tell
set myBorderPanel2 to make border panel
tell myBorderPanel2
make static text with properties {static label:"Cover Width:"}
set myCW to make dialog column
tell myCW
set coverWidth to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:378, edit units:inches, small nudge:0.1, minimum value:1, maximum value:2000, min width:0.1}
end tell
end tell
tell myBorderPanel2
make static text with properties {static label:" Cover Heigth:"}
set myCH to make dialog column
tell myCH
set coverHeigth to make measurement editbox with properties {edit value:549, edit units:inches, small nudge:0.1, minimum value:1, maximum value:2000, min width:0.1}
end tell
end tell
set newBorderPanel to make border panel
tell newBorderPanel
make static text with properties {static label:"BC or BF:"}
set myBCBF to make radiobutton group
tell myBCBF
set myBC to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"BC", checked state:true}
set myBF to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"BF"}
set myBFwL to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"BF w/SCH logo on FC"}
set myEDU to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"EDU"}
end tell
make static text with properties {static label:" Black text or K/O white text:"}
set myKorW to make radiobutton group
tell myKorW
set myTextK to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"Black text", checked state:true}
set myTextW to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"K/O white text"}
end tell
end tell
set newBorderPanel2 to make border panel
tell newBorderPanel2
make static text with properties {static label:"add white frame to Spine logo:"}
set myWframeSP to make checkbox control with properties ¬
{static label:"check for Yes", checked state:false}
end tell
set newBorderPanel3 to make border panel
tell newBorderPanel3
make static text with properties {static label:"add white frame to Front Cover logo:"}
set myWframeFCP to make checkbox control with properties ¬
{static label:"check for Yes", checked state:false}
end tell
set newBorderPanel3a to make border panel
tell newBorderPanel3a
make static text with properties {static label:"add white frame to Back Cover logo:"}
set myWframeBCP to make checkbox control with properties ¬
{static label:"check for Yes", checked state:false}
end tell
set newBorderPanel4 to make border panel
tell newBorderPanel4
make static text with properties {static label:"add cover credit to Back Cover:"}
set myCC to make radiobutton group
tell myCC
set myCCN to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"No Cover Credit", checked state:true}
set myCCLU to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"above lockup logo", checked state:false}
set myCCBC to make radiobutton control with properties ¬
{static label:"bottom center of back cover", checked state:false}
end tell
end tell
end tell
set theResult to show theDialog
set spSize to (edit value of spineSize) / 72
set myB to (edit value of bleedamount) / 72
set myW to (edit value of coverWidth) / 72
set myH to (edit value of coverHeigth) / 72
--set MyP to (edit contents of BFPrice)
set myBCorBF to selected button of myBCBF
set myKW to selected button of myKorW
set myWFSP to checked state of myWframeSP
set myWFFC to checked state of myWframeFCP
set myWFBC to checked state of myWframeBCP
set myCCC to selected button of myCC
destroy theDialog
end tell
end tell
end myDialog
on myContinue()
tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
set myDW to (myW + myW + spSize)
set theDoc to make document with properties {document preferences:{name:"New_Build", page height:myH & " in" as string, page width:myDW & " in" as string, pages per document:1, facing pages:false, document bleed bottom offset:myB, document bleed inside or left offset:myB, document bleed top offset:myB, document bleed outside or right offset:myB, document bleed uniform size:true}} --& " in" as string
tell pages of theDoc
set properties of margin preferences to {column count:2, column gutter:spSize, top:0.25, bottom:0.25, left:0.25, right:0.25}
end tell
tell theDoc to set zero point to {0, 0}
tell theDoc
--box to show background for test only
set theFrameTest to make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{-myB, -myB, myB + myH, myW + myW + myB + spSize}, label:"theFrameTest", fill color:"Cyan", fill tint:50, stroke weight:0, stroke color:"None", layer:"Branding"}
set theLayer to "Quad Trim Marks"
make layer with properties {name:theLayer, visible:true, locked:false, layer color:olive green}
set blackColor to swatch "Registration"
set NoColor to swatch "None"
set theFramecolor to swatch "Paper"
set oldTRP to transform reference point of layout window 1
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to center anchor
set tLm to {-myB, myW, -myB - 0.25, myW}
set tRm to {-myB, myW + spSize, -myB - 0.25, myW + spSize}
set bLm to {myH + myB, myW, myH + myB + 0.25, myW}
set bRm to {myH + myB, myW + spSize, myH + myB + 0.25, myW + spSize}
set sW to ".5" & " pt" as string
make graphic line with properties {geometric bounds:tLm, stroke type:"Solid", stroke weight:sW, stroke color:blackColor, stroke alignment:center alignment, layer:theLayer}
make graphic line with properties {geometric bounds:tRm, stroke type:"Solid", stroke weight:sW, stroke color:blackColor, stroke alignment:center alignment, layer:theLayer}
make graphic line with properties {geometric bounds:bLm, stroke type:"Solid", stroke weight:sW, stroke color:blackColor, stroke alignment:center alignment, layer:theLayer}
make graphic line with properties {geometric bounds:bRm, stroke type:"Solid", stroke weight:sW, stroke color:blackColor, stroke alignment:center alignment, layer:theLayer}
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to oldTRP
tell theDoc
make guide with properties {location:(myW / 2), orientation:vertical}
make guide with properties {location:(myW + spSize + 0.25), orientation:vertical}
make guide with properties {location:(myW - 0.25), orientation:vertical}
make guide with properties {location:(myW + spSize + (myW / 2)), orientation:vertical}
end tell
set theUnusedSwatches to unused swatches
repeat with UnusedSwatch from 1 to count of theUnusedSwatches
if name of (item UnusedSwatch of theUnusedSwatches) is not "" then
delete (item UnusedSwatch of theUnusedSwatches)
end try
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end myContinue
on myplaceitems()
tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
--For BC placements
tell theDoc
set theLayer to "Branding" as string
if exists layer theLayer then
set theLayer to theLayer
set theLayer to make layer with properties {name:"Branding", visible:true, locked:false, layer color:red}
end if
end tell
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to top left anchor
--BC or BF barcode
if myBCorBF = 0 then
set asset1place to place asset asset "BC_EAN Box" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset1place to {myW - 1.75, myH - 1.01}
else if myBCorBF = 1 then
set asset1place to place asset asset "BF_EAN Box" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset1place to {myW - 2.4931, myH - 1.0725}
else if myBCorBF = 2 then
set asset1place to place asset asset "BF_EAN Box" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset1place to {myW - 2.4931, myH - 1.0725}
set asset1place to place asset asset "EDU_Barcode Box" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset1place to {myW - 2.07, myH - 1.3778} --(-1.82, -1.1278)
end if
--Black or White text
if myBCorBF = 3 then
if myKW = 0 then
set asset2place to place asset asset "EDU_lockup Black" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.0458}
set asset2place to place asset asset "EDU_lockup White" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.0458}
end if
--place small, medium, large lockup
if myKW = 0 then
if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_med" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.2075} -- (+.0239)
else if myW ≥ 9 then
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_lrg" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.35}
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_sm" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.1355}
end if
if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_med" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.2075}
else if myW ≥ 9 then
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_lrg" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.35}
set asset2place to place asset asset "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_sm" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset2place to {0.25, myH - 1.1355}
end if
end if
end if
--place spine logo
if spSize > 0.01 and spSize < 0.25 then
set asset3place to place asset asset "ScholasticMinibarBig" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset3place to {myW + ((spSize - 0.25) / 2), (myH - 0.25 - 0.5496)}
tell theDoc
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom center anchor
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set theScale to (spSize / (x1 - x0) * 100)
set horizontal scale of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to theScale
set vertical scale of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to theScale
move asset3place to {myW, (myH - 0.25 + ((y0 - y1) * (theScale / 100)))}
end tell
--add stroke for white frame
if myWFSP = true then
tell theDoc
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to center anchor
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set x0 to (x0 + 0.0035)
set x1 to (x1 - 0.0035)
set y0 to (y0 + 0.0035)
set y1 to (y1 - 0.0035)
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set properties of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to {stroke color:theFramecolor, stroke weight:0.5, stroke alignment:center alignment}
end tell
end if
else if spSize ≥ 0.25 and spSize < 0.75 then
set asset3place to place asset asset "ScholasticMinibarBig" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
move asset3place to {myW + ((spSize - 0.25) / 2), (myH - 0.25 - 0.5496)}
--add stroke for white frame
if myWFSP = true then
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set x0 to (x0 + 0.0035)
set x1 to (x1 - 0.0035)
set y0 to (y0 + 0.0035)
set y1 to (y1 - 0.0035)
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set properties of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to {stroke color:theFramecolor, stroke weight:0.5, stroke alignment:center alignment}
end tell
end if
else if spSize ≥ 0.75 then
set asset3place to place asset asset "ScholasticMinibarBig" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom left anchor
move asset3place to {myW, (myH - 0.25 - 0.5496)}
tell theDoc
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom left anchor
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set theScale to (0.35 / (x1 - x0) * 100)
set horizontal scale of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to theScale
set vertical scale of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to theScale
move asset3place to {myW + (spSize / 2) - 0.175, (myH - 0.25 + ((y0 - y1) * (theScale / 100)))}
end tell
--add stroke for white frame
if myWFSP = true then
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set x0 to (x0 + 0.0035)
set x1 to (x1 - 0.0035)
set y0 to (y0 + 0.0035)
set y1 to (y1 - 0.0035)
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set properties of page item 1 whose label is "ScholasticMinibarBig" to {stroke color:theFramecolor, stroke weight:0.5, stroke alignment:center alignment}
end tell
end if
end if
set theScale to 0
--place SCHOLASTIC red bar logo
if myBCorBF = 1 then
set asset4place to place asset asset "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom center anchor
set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom center anchor
move asset4place to {myW + spSize + (myW / 3), (myH - 0.25)}
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set theScale to ((myW / 3) / (x1 - x0) * 100)
if theScale > 171.428571428571 then
set theScale to 171.428571428571
end if
set horizontal scale of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90" to theScale
set vertical scale of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90" to theScale
if myW ≤ 9 then
move asset4place to {myW + spSize + (myW / 3), (myH - 0.25 + ((y0 - y1) * (theScale / 100)))}
move asset4place to {myW + spSize + ((myW - 3) / 2), (myH - 0.25 + ((y0 - y1) * (theScale / 100)))}
end if
end tell
--add stroke for white frame
if myWFFC = true then
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set x0 to (x0 + 0.0035)
set x1 to (x1 - 0.0035)
set y0 to (y0 + 0.0035)
set y1 to (y1 - 0.0035)
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
set properties of page item 1 whose label is "Schol_RED_BAR_m100y90" to {stroke color:theFramecolor, stroke weight:0.5, stroke alignment:center alignment}
end tell
end if
end if
--add center cover credit to BC
if myCCC ≠ 1 then
tell theDoc
set theLockups to {"RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_sm", "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_med", "RedBar.WWW.lockup.black_lrg", "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_sm", "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_med", "RedBar.WWW.lockup.white_lrg", "EDU_lockup Black", "EDU_lockup White"}
repeat with k from 1 to count of theLockups
set theItem to item k of theLockups
set theSel to (every page item whose label is theItem)
repeat with j from (count of theSel) to 1 by -1
select item j of theSel
ungroup item j of theSel
set theList to (every text frame whose label is "CoverCreditLU")
repeat with i from (count of theList) to 1 by -1
select item i of theList
delete selection
end repeat
end repeat
end try
end repeat
end tell
end if
if myCCC = 2 and myBCorBF ≠ 1 then
--set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom center anchor
if myKW = 0 then
set asset5place to place asset asset "CenterCoverCredit" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
if myBCorBF = 2 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.07)}
else if myW ≥ 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
else if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.75, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.625, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
tell (parent story of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit")
set point size to 6
end tell
end if
end tell
set asset5place to place asset asset "CenterCoverCreditW" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
if myBCorBF = 2 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.07)}
else if myW ≥ 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
else if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.75, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.625, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 1.75)}
tell (parent story of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW")
set point size to 6
end tell
end if
end tell
end if
end if
if myCCC = 2 and myBCorBF = 1 then
--set transform reference point of layout window 1 to bottom center anchor
if myKW = 0 then
set asset5place to place asset asset "CenterCoverCredit" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
--set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
if myW ≥ 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
else if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.75, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.625, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
tell (parent story of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCredit")
set point size to 6
end tell
end if
end tell
set asset5place to place asset asset "CenterCoverCreditW" of library "SCH Library.indl" on theDoc
tell theDoc
copy (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {y0, x0, y1, x1}
--set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
if myW ≥ 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 2, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
else if myW ≥ 6 and myW < 9 then
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.75, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
set (geometric bounds of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW") to {(myH - 0.25 - 0.1982), 1.625, (myH - 0.25), (myW - 2.493)}
tell (parent story of page item 1 whose label is "CenterCoverCreditW")
set point size to 6
end tell
end if
end tell
end if
end if
tell theDoc
set theLayers to name of layers of theDoc
repeat with j from 1 to count of theLayers
set theLayer to item j of theLayers
if theLayer is not "Quad Trim Marks" then
if theLayer is not "New Items" then
if theLayer = "Layer 1" then
--set properties of layer "Layer 1" to {name:"Base Layer"}
set theMerge to item j of theLayers
merge layer "Branding" with layer theMerge
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
tell view preferences --of application
set ruler origin to theoldorig
end tell
end tell
end myplaceitems
--{thebarcode, thejob2, thejob3}
--{thenewpath, thisLink}
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AppleScript: Script Editor Version 2.11
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: macOS 10.14