iPhoto script help?

I don’t remember where I got this script, so unfortunately, I can’t give credit where credit is due. But here’s the problem I’m having:
The script worked fine when I first got it. It seems to have stopped working all by itself just this week. The only changes to my system since I first got the script is Apples last Panther security update. Might have broken something. Very strange. Anyways, whenever I drag multiple photos onto the droplet (which is in my Finder sidebar), I get a message saying “The action could not be completed because the folder already exists,” referring to the temp folder created by the script. The error dialog has two buttons, Edit and OK. Only one image gets moved to the temp folder, and then the error pops up. The script won’t continue past this point. Like I said, it worked before, and then mysteriously started this behavior. Here’s the script:

on open (these_items) 
    set itemstring to these_items as string 
    --display dialog itemstring 
    tell application "Finder" 
        repeat with this_item in these_items 
            set theChar to the count of characters in itemstring 
            set lastChar to character theChar in itemstring 
            set theFolder to (make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"temp photo folder"}) 
            move this_item to theFolder 
        end repeat 
        set theContents to the entire contents of theFolder 
        set theCount to the count of theContents 
        set theCount to (theCount * 3) 
        set this_path to path to desktop folder as string 
        set this_path to this_path & "temp photo folder" 
        set this_path to the POSIX path of this_path 
    end tell 
    -- convert the file reference to UNIX style 
    tell application "iPhoto" to activate 
    tell application "System Events" 
        tell process "iPhoto" 
            -- open import dialog 
            keystroke "I" using {command down, shift down} 
            -- summon path input sheet 
            keystroke "/" using control down 
            keystroke this_path 
            delay 5 
            keystroke return 
            delay 2 
            keystroke return 
        end tell 
    end tell 
    tell application "Finder" 
        delay theCount 
        move theFolder to trash 
        display dialog "Done Importing." buttons {"Done", "Empty Trash", "View Trash Contents"} 
        if the button returned of the result is "Empty Trash" then 
            empty trash 
        else if the button returned of the result is "View Trash Contents" then 
            set trash_path to path to trash folder as string 
            set this_window to make new Finder window 
            set the target of this_window to the trash_path 
        end if 
    end tell 
end open 

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Hello maddys_daddy,

Have you tried searching on the BBS, Code Exchange and Script Builders on this site for some keyword like “iPhoto”?


Variable as the shade

Yeah, and you’d be surprised at how difficult it is to find any droplet scripts for iPhoto. Apple used to have their own on the GUI Scripting site when it was still in beta, but it is now nowhere to be found. I finally found this one through google (and not directly, either–I had to use Google’s cached page!) I still don’t know why Apple didn’t make iPhoto’s dock icon “file-receivable”, like most other apps. Like I said, this one initially worked for me, now it doesn’t.
Thanks, though.