I have this AppleScript that handles the lifecycle of an executable
global pid
on run
set pid to (do shell script "'{{EXE_PATH}}' configure &>/dev/null & echo $!" with administrator privileges)
end run
on idle
do shell script "ps -p " & pid
on error
end try
return 1
end idle
on quit
do shell script "kill " & pid with administrator privileges
on error errMsg
#already killed ignore the error
end try
continue quit
end quit
I would like to add a custom action in the dock contextual menu.
Online i found this code for the custom action that i want
on run
tell current application's NSApp to set its delegate to me
end run
on applicationDockMenu:sender -- return a menu to be added to the Dock menu
tell (current application's NSMenu's alloc's initWithTitle:"")
its addItem:(current application's NSMenuItem's alloc's initWithTitle:"Custom action" action:"customAction:" keyEquivalent:"")
return it
end tell
end applicationDockMenu
on customAction:sender -- a regular action handler
end customAction:
The action works, but unfortunately, by setting the delegate i’m no longer able to close the application with the Quit button in the contextual menu. The application seems to be frozen and the only way to close it seems to be Force quit
How can i handle the quit logic? After changing the delegate the on quit is no longer invoked
Nice, as I see, you are creating a launcher for a background application that needs administrator privileges, and you need to add the possibility to send some contextual commands when the application is running.
I am not an expert of applescript, but I don’t feel the solution is to replace on quit with applicationWillTerminate, the on quit looks correct to me.
I think this tell current application's NSApp to set its delegate to me is overriding the default delegate and breaks the on quit.
But lets wait for some more experts in this forum, I am sure someone knows how to handle it properly.
There are multiple AppleScript application runtimes (the application executable) that provide varying features. With the basic AppleScript application, by (re)setting the app delegate, you essentially disconnected the built-in menu item target/action settings for quit. Since you have access to the main menu, the settings there can be changed to the new app delegate, however, the applicationDockMenu delegate method just adds your items to those provided by the system, which will still use the applet runtime’s default target/action.
You would need to create an application using the Cocoa-AppleScript applet or Xcode project runtimes in order to keep the quit/terminate functionality, since they use a separate appDelegate script. When using the Cocoa-AppleScript applet (the version that works), for smaller applications the main.scpt can even be ignored, with everything done in the CocoaAppletAppDelegate script (located in the Resources folder of the template). Note that you would also need to use NSTimer instead of the idle handler, as these runtimes don’t implement it (it is just a wrapper around NSTimer anyway).