I need a NSURL for a file path because I later want to use it with NSSpeechSynthesizer’s startSpeakingString:toURL.
This is my bit of ASObj-C code for letting the user select the path and file name.
set outputFile to current application's NSSavePanel's savePanel()
tell outputFile
setTitle_("Output File")
setNameFieldStringValue_("File Name")
end tell
set outputFileURL to outputFile's URLs()
The problem is that I get the error “Can’t make «class ocid» id «data optr0000000020E5010000600000» into type Unicode text. (error -1700)” on the line
set outputFileURL to outputFile's URLs()
I’m working in XCode 5/Mavericks. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction of what I’m doing wrong.
Model: iMac
AppleScript: 2.3.1
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: Other
I suspect that error is happening somewhere else, when you try to coerce the value. Can you post the following code?
Here’s the whole handler.
on exportAIFF_(sender)
set voiceText to textField's stringValue()
set outputFile to current application's NSSavePanel's savePanel()
tell outputFile
setTitle_("Output File")
setNameFieldStringValue_("File Name")
end tell
set outputFileURL to outputFile's URLs()
set outputSynth to current application's NSSpeechSynthesizer's new()
outputSynth's setDelegate:me
outputSynth's startSpeakingString:voiceText toURL:outputFileURL
display dialog "Export is Finished"
end exportAIFF_
URLs() returns an array of URLs. Use URL() instead.
Tried that and I still get an error “Can’t get «class url » {} of «class ocid» id «data optr00000000E02C310001000000». (error -1728)” At least it is a slightly different error.
I suspect you have a terminology clash, with a scripting addition using “URL”. Try |URL|().
The best way to avoid this sort of thing, especially with Mavericks, is to edit your text in an external editor – the syntax colouring should make this sort of problem obvious. Click on the file in the Project Navigator, and choose File → Open with External Editor.
Thank you so much Shane. That did it.
I really need to upgrade to the latest version of your book!
Thanks again.