it this possible?? clean up folder with folder alias in that folder

I want to make a script that easily deletes material older then x days from folders.

My idea was to create a folder on the desktop and make aliases from other folder which i want to clean up and put them in this folder.

the idea was to clean up the folder on my desktop and thus all aliases of the other folders also.

but offcourse it doesn’t work like that :frowning:

my problem is that the folders i want to clean up change so now and then. i could make a list, add the folders and clean 'm all up but
i thought my idea would be quicker option.

any suggesttions ?



is this a point to start?

set aliasFolder to ((path to desktop as text) & "aliasFolder:")
tell application "Finder"
	set theAliases to every alias file of folder aliasFolder
	repeat with oneAlias in theAliases
		set theOriginal to original item of oneAlias
		my deleteItems(theOriginal, 7) -- delete items older than 7 days
	end repeat
end tell

on deleteItems(theItem, d)
	if class of theItem is folder then
		tell application "Finder" to delete (items of theItem whose creation date < ((current date) - d * days))
		tell application "Finder" to if creation date of theItem < ((current date) - d * days) then delete theItem
	end if
end deleteItems


to be honest this is exact what i need

i did not know the set to original item syntax. nice

I got an error running it ‘Can’t get folder of folder’

I changed the script to:

set aliasFolder to ((path to desktop as text) & "aliasFolder:") as text
tell application "Finder"
	set theAliases to every alias file of folder aliasFolder
	repeat with oneAlias in theAliases
		set theOriginal to original item of oneAlias
		tell application "Finder" to delete (every file of entire contents of theOriginal whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - 7 * days))
	end repeat
end tell

works great!

again thank you so much!

Glad that it helped :slight_smile:

a note:

as text is useless, the result of the concatenation is text


i forgot that to delete after trialing where the error came from.

thanks again!

I stumbled on a problem today with some files which I could not delete because i am not the owner.

These files are on a network volume but have to bo deleted

I guess

tell application "Finder" to delete (every file of entire contents of theOriginal whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - cleanup_ratio_days * days))

has to be changed to a do shell script which deletes the file from the folder & subfolders regardless of who the owner is. At least that is what I want :slight_smile:

I find shell scripting rather difficult so if you could please help me out on this one.



found and tried

					do shell script (("cd " & theOriginal & " && rm -rf *") as text) password admin_password with administrator privileges --tell application "Finder" to delete (every file of entire contents of theOriginal whose modification date is less than ((get current date) - cleanup_ratio_days * days))

but that gives an error

				do shell script (("cd " & theOriginal & " && rm -rf *") as text) password admin_password with administrator privileges)

You can delete files in a restricted area only with a shell script

Caution: the following line deletes files permanently

do shell script "find " & quoted form of POSIX path of theOriginal & " -type f ! -name '.*' ! -mtime -" & cleanup_ratio_days & " -exec rm {} \\;" with administrator privileges

-type f - searches only for files
! -name ‘.*’ - excludes invisible files (which start with a dot)
! -mtime [d] - excludes files newer than d days
-exec rm - deletes the found files

your can pass also user name and password

do shell script "find " & quoted form of POSIX path of theOriginal & " -type f ! -name '.*' ! -mtime -" & cleanup_ratio_days & " -exec rm {} \\;" user name "username" password "¢¢¢¢¢" with administrator privileges

thanks again

i got this error

Can’t make quoted form of POSIX path of «class cfol» “test 2” of «class cfol» “Desktop” of «class cfol» “Kemal” of «class cfol» “Users” of «class sdsk» of application “Finder” into type Unicode text. (-1700)

the good old posix path :wink:

will try to find that one out.

also the -f statement finds only files.

your earlier tip tells me i have to use -d for files and folders. true ?


If theOriginal is a Finder file specifier, use

quoted form of POSIX path of (theOriginal as alias)

if every item should be found, omit the -type switch

PS: to delete files andfolders with rm, add the recursive switch

. -exec rm -r {}

The story continues…

For security reasons, you may not tell another application to do shell script with administrator privileges. Put the command outside of any tell block, or put it inside a tell me block.

Will try that


tell me to do shell script “find " & quoted form of POSIX path of (theOriginal as alias) & " -type f ! -name ‘.*’ ! -mtime -” & cleanup_ratio_days & " -exec rm -r {} \;" with administrator privileges


And if i use the -exec rm -r {} switch it doesn’t delete the folders. It changes the modification date to todat so no folders are deleted. Will play with that also
