iTunes Autobooker

I’m trying to figure out why I am getting a timeout error when I run this script. The original script came from Doug’s Applescripts for iTunes It was also getting a timeout error. In my script it gives the error at the point where it would import the tracks. But it does still import the tracks. It just kills the rest of the script.

I did notice some interesting behavior when working on it. From the script menu in iTunes it runs much faster than from Script Editor. I don’t know if that has an effect on timout.

[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

Thanks for any help.


I’ve been playing with this script. It does not timeout when run from the script menu (the system one), but it does timeout when run from the iTunes script menu.


Have you emailed the author?

I forget if this is an applet or a compiled script. It may run better when saved as an applet. There’s something funny about importing and converting in a compiled script.