iTunes can't advance to "next track" if it is a Podcast?

Hi everyone, I have a little problem that I hope someone here can help me with…

I need an AppleScript that will allow me to advance to the “next track” in a playlist even if the next track is a previously downloaded Podcast.

Here’s my situation… I’ve set up a RF remote control to to launch various AppleScripts that control various functions of iTunes. One of my buttons is “play next track” which launches the AppleScript below:

tell application “iTunes”
next track
end tell

The problem is, sometimes my playlists now include various Podcasts along with music tracks. Unfortunately, when these are encountered the above mentioned Applescript does nothing. Could you help me modify my script it so that it will play the next track even if it is a Podcast? Can this even be done?

My sincere thanks,

Hi Rob,

I’m not getting the same results when switching to the next track in a mixed playlist.

tell application "iTunes"
	next track
end tell

Maybe it’s happening with a certain type of podcast?


Maybe it’s happening with a certain type of podcast?

Ahhh, I see what you mean. I just noticed that only “some” of my podcasts are effected.

At any rate, it’s still presents the same problem… In this case I can’t advance from track to track within a playlist that contains “NPR: Fresh Air” podcasts. I can’t even advance from track to track using the buttons at the top of iTunes.

Why would this be happening?

I realized only now that uncheced tracks are always skipped in iTunes playlists. The playlist I was testing with had no checked items, so next track stopped playback.