iTunes comment search

Hello all,
I’d like to be able to do a search in iTunes but based on comment, so something like

search library playlist 1 for "something" only artists

but where artists is comments… this doesnt work it seems; does anyone know the most efficient way to search comment fields in iTunes?
Bear in mind a library these days is rather large, it is implausible to iterate over every track in the library and test it’s comment individually.
Any tips would be great :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

this filters all tracks which contain “something” in the comment field

tell application "iTunes"
	get tracks of library playlist 1 whose comment contains "something"
end tell

In this case I would use a Python/Ruby/C++/Perl script to directly parse and process the iTunes Music Library.xml file. That will be fast.

Thankyou both!
I’m actually translating this into Python via appscript, so the idea of parsing the library is sensible… I will see what the speed of using appscript is like first and if I’m not feeling lazy, think about parsing the library file :slight_smile: