Hi folks. I want to navigate iTunes. I want to have the itunes window just choose a playlist names “alpha”. That’s it.
I don’t want a reference to it. I don’t want it to play. I don’t want to purchase anything. I just want to have iTunes to activate with a playlist chosen. That’s it.
Tried select, reveal, get properties. I can’t seem to get anything going, and all of the script examples I’ve found online want to update podcasts, play next tune, etc. I don’t want to play anything.
Well, the solution is correct, thanks . But, to bring the selected playlist to front is need 2 additional instructions:
tell application "Music" -- or, "iTunes" on old sysytems
set view of front browser window to user playlist "alpha" of source "Library"
set visible of front browser window to true
end tell
Choose playlist name version:
tell application "Music"
set sourcesNames to name of every source
set theChoice to choose from list sourcesNames with prompt "PLEASE SELECT THE SOURCE"
if theChoice is not false then
set theSourceName to item 1 of theChoice
set playlistNames to name of every playlist of source theSourceName
set theChoice to choose from list playlistNames with prompt "PLEASE SELECT THE PLAYLIST"
if theChoice is not false then
set selectedPlayList to playlist (item 1 of theChoice) of source theSourceName
set view of front browser window to selectedPlayList
set visible of front browser window to true
end if
end if
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
set frontmost to true
delay 0.2
--(current application's NSThread)'s sleepForTimeInterval:0.2
set thePlaylist to user playlist "alpha" of source id 64
delay 0.2
--(current application's NSThread)'s sleepForTimeInterval:0.2
reveal thePlaylist
end try
end tell