iWork Applications Save To their Containers Instead Of the Home Folder's Locations

For example, in Apple Numbers, the save command in

tell application "Numbers"
set t_doc to document 1
set DocName to "My Report"
set exp_path to (((path to documents folder) as text) & DocName & ".numbers")
save t_doc in file exp_path
end tell

moves the document to its container’s Documents folder. The destination file to which I want to save exists in the Finder (I create it by directing make new document file at it). Sal Soghoian’s website follows the same logic in the analogous example but in my case, it fails.
How do I stop Numbers from saving files in its container?

These are the lines in question from the AppleScript log

path to documents folder
-> alias "Macintosh:Users:me:Library:Containers:com.apple.iWork.Numbers:Data:Documents:"
save document "Untitled" in file "Macintosh:Users:me:Library:Containers:com.apple.iWork.Numbers:Data:Documents:My Report.numbers"

That’s because the path to command is part of Standard Additions and is not understood by the Numbers app. The following worked on my Sequoia computer.

set docPath to (path to documents folder as text)

tell application "Numbers"
	set t_doc to document 1
	set DocName to "Test"
	set exp_path to docPath & DocName & ".numbers"
	save t_doc in file exp_path
end tell