Hello there
Some help is needed with the below script. When I run the script, the “current date” &“/” &“msgNo” advances the message number.
The problem is when I save the script as an application, and then open the application, the message number does not advance each time I open the application.
On my previous MacBookPro, I had this script saved on the top tool bar; however, I have forgotten how I managed to get the script on the tool bar.
Any advice would be appreciated.
property lastDate : ""
property lastMsgNo : 0
set jDay to do shell script "date +%j"
set jYear to do shell script "date +%y"
set theSubject to jYear & jDay & "/"
set theYEar to do shell script "date +%y" -- two digit year
set theMonth to do shell script "date +%m" -- two digit month
set theMonth2 to (do shell script "date +%B" & " | tr \"[:lower:]\" \"[:upper:]\"")
set theDay to do shell script "date +%d" -- two digit day of month
set theHour to do shell script "date +%H" -- two digit hour (24 hour clock)
set theMinute to do shell script "date +%M" -- two digit minute
set theSecond to do shell script "date +%S" -- two digit second
-- convert the month2 name to a 3 char name
set theMonth2 to characters 1 thru 3 of theMonth2 as string
set currentDate to do shell script "date +%y%j"
if lastDate = "" then -- i.e. first run of script
set lastDate to jYear & jDay
end if
if lastDate = currentDate then
set lastMsgNo to lastMsgNo + 1
set lastMsgNo to 1
set lastDate to currentDate
end if
set msgNo to text -2 thru -1 of (("00" & lastMsgNo) as string) -- make 2 digit number
set theSubject to currentDate & "/" & msgNo
set theBody to "DE VJNK NR " & jYear & jDay & "/" & msgNo & return ¬
& "R " & theDay & theHour & theMinute & "Z " & theMonth2 & theYEar & return ¬
& "FM KENDAL JN" & return ¬
& "TO" & return ¬
& "BT" & return ¬
& "UNCLAS" & return & return ¬
& "BT" & return & return & return & return & return & return & return & return ¬
& "NNNN"
tell application "Mail"
set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody}
tell theNewMessage to set visible to true
-- Default is false. Determines whether the compose window will
-- show on the screen or whether it will happen in the background.
end tell
([applescript] and [/applescript] code posting tags added by NG.)