JXA script to call AS Library with sdef

I wrote a simple and stupid AppleScript library with sdef.


This is the sample AppleScript code.

use AppleScript version "2.5"
use scripting additions
use checkLib : script "checkboxLib"

set tList to {"Carrot", "Burdock", "Radish", "Apple", "Cabbage", "Lettuce", "Potato", "Garlic", "komatsuna", " bok choy", " ashiitake mushroom", "Hen of the Woods"}

set cRes to choose checkbox main message "Select Vegetables" sub message "Select vegetables you like" with columns 2 with titles tList

I tried to write JXA script to call this library.

var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
var alib = Library(“checkboxLib”)

var array = [“Carrot”, “Burdock”, “Radish”, “Apple”, “Cabbage”, “Lettuce”, “Potato”, “Garlic”, “komatsuna”, " bok choy", " ashiitake mushroom", “Hen of the Woods”]

mainMessage:“Select Vegetables”,
subMessage:“Select vegetables you like”,

But this causes error…

Error on line 7: Error: -[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xd7649f5ba840a82b

Is there something wrong with it?

Model: iMac Pro
AppleScript: 2.7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14


I downloaded the library from your link. But it is empty.

But it is empty.

Please drag down the “Result” area separator.
I found the state of the Script Editor’s window seems a kind of “empty”
The window seems to be filled with “Result” area.


It looks as if it’s the array that’s causing the problem. The JXA script “works” if the withTitles: parameter is an empty array, a number, or text (or is simply left out).

Thank you. Hmm…I had some trial to avoid error.

I could not recover this :slight_smile:


The problem is your library’s .sdef file. When you call a library from AppleScript the type you specify for the various parameters is basically window-dressing, designed to help the user when they look in the dictionary. But it looks like they matter when bridging to JXA.

You have specified a type of list, but Cocoa scripting does not recognise such a type. You could change it to any, and it should work. But in this case it is probably better to include a type element, with attributes of type and list.

So your .sdef file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
	<suite name="choose checkbox" code="LCCB" description="Commands for communicating with the user">
		<command name="choose checkbox" code="LCCBCCKB" description="Display checkbox list with an alert dialog">
            <parameter name="main message" type="text" code="CMMS" description="Main title of an alert dialog"/>
            <parameter name="sub message" type="text" code="CSMS" description="Sub title of an alert dialog"/>
            <parameter name="with columns" type="integer" code="CSCS" description="Column number of display checkbox"/>
            <parameter name="with titles" code="COLL" description="Titles of every path">
                <type type="text" list="yes"/>

Thanks Shane,

Now, it works from JXA, too.

Model: iMac Pro
AppleScript: 2.7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14

Just be aware that there are some quirks where JXA should work but doesn’t.

I’ve had a couple of people contact me about problems calling some handlers of my libraries — in fact, I had one that was most abusive about it :rolleyes: . But either few people have bothered trying with my libs, or there aren’t many JXA users.

I acknowledge the JXA as a non-AS Osa environment.

Now my small script library’s latest version is here.


It has two enum and the enums have to be usable in limited commands.

So, I made “enu1” and “enu2” data types. It works and displayed as I expected in AS dictionary.


But “enu1” and “enu2” are displayed which I didn’t hope so.


Is there something wrong with me?

You have to give your enumerations unique names and codes, and then use the names as types for the parameters:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
	<suite name="choose checkbox" code="LCCB" description="choose list items by checkbox user interface">
		<command name="choose checkbox" code="LCCBCCKB" description="Display checkbox list with an alert dialog">
            <parameter name="main message" type="text" code="CMMS" description="Main title of an alert dialog"/>
            <parameter name="sub message" type="text" code="CSMS" description="Sub title of an alert dialog"/>
            <parameter name="with columns" type="integer" code="CSCS" description="Column number of display checkbox"/>
            <parameter name="with titles" code="COLL" description="Titles of every checkbox">
                <type type="text" list="yes"/>
            <parameter name="checkbox type" type="checkbox types" code="COLC" description="checkbox type"/>
            <parameter name="return type" type="return types" code="COLR" description="return data type"/>
        <enumeration name="checkbox types" code="enu1">
            <enumerator name="standard" code="cstd" description="Standard Checkbox"/>
            <enumerator name="flat" code="cflt" description="Flat Checkbox"/>
        <enumeration name="return types" code="enu2">
            <enumerator name="item number" code="itmn" description="Return data is item number (array of integer)"/>
            <enumerator name="data" code="data" description="Return data is each data (array of string)"/>

Thanks Shane, It got better.
