Keeping hand when a script is running


I am looking for a way to kill my script with an abort button while it s making his job.

I don’t know if it s possible in applescript.

The problem is that when my script is running i don’t have the hand and i can t clicked on the button in my application.

Maybe someone knows the solution,



In fact, I am looking for something similar but more then a button.
I intend to add a “progress bar” showing that the script is working; below the bar should be an “Abort” button.
Thanks in advance!

Take a look at the Debug Test sample application which is located in /Developer/Examples/AppleScript Studio. Maybe that would give you some ideas.

Sorry for my ignorant, where can I find the stuffs “Debug Test sample application which is located in /Developer/Examples/AppleScript Studio” that you mentioned?

That depends on where you installed your Developer Tools (by default they install to folder called “Developer” at the root of your startup disk). Try searching for “Debug test” using Spotlight.

I don’t think I have these stuffs installed because I search no result.:frowning:
May I know where can I download them?

Try going there instead of searching. Just to double-check.

Macintosh HD/Developer/Examples/Applescript Studio/

I don’t even have the Developer folder, I believe I could have missed it while installing OS?
Anyway, thanks.

If we don’t bother about the AppleScript Studio issue, can someone help on the “Process Bar” and the “Abort” button issue?

Go to and download XCode.
It’s about 1 GB and includes XCode, Interface Builder, and a ton of examples. This will allow you to use the progress bar like you want and get the examples and get all of the dev tools.

Win - WIn

Hope this helps.