I’ve lost track of a script’s variables often enough.
So I wrote this simple script to list them into my “PIM”, Mori.
I’d like to hear about your solutions - and improvements that you can think of.
-- Use: to find synonyms
-- to create a reference database
-- to streamline variable naming
-- to find vars in a script:
-- paste compiled script into TextEdit RTF
-- delete code from beginning up to first var
-- then run this script
-- script will create entries in Mori
-- which are titled with the variable name
-- entry's note can be used to add info
tell application "TextEdit"
set varColor to color of word 1 of front document --> sample: {8481, 0, 60909}
set varList to words of front document where it's color is varColor -- 'whose' does not work
end tell
-- remove duplicates
set varList to removeDuplicates(varList)
-- don't sort! they are in script's order
-- create Mori entries
-- target notebook must be open
tell front document of application "Mori"
repeat with anItem in varList
make new entry at end of entry named "Inbox" with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
end tell
on removeDuplicates(theList)
-- <http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=11360>
-- theList can contain any type of item
set returnList to {}
repeat with anItem in theList
if returnList does not contain anItem then set end of returnList to (contents of anItem)
end repeat
return returnList
end removeDuplicates
Model: iMac G5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)